News & Stories from Romtec Utilities

Submersible Pressure Transducer
Romtec Utilities designs and supplies pump stations for many different applications, and pressure transducers are a common type of level sensing device available on our systems. Pressure transducers operate by measuring the weight of the fluid in the wet well that is the pressure. The control panel calculates the volume in the well with the pressure readings. This calculation gives a very accurate reading about the water level. Pressure transducers provide pump stations a number
Skid Mounted System Actively Pumping
Romtec Utilities offers retrofitting services on pump and lift stations for all types of applications, including wastewater. One common problem with wastewater lift stations is clogging, and this problem can occur for a variety of pretty simple reasons. When clogging occurs too often, it can result in added management costs for lift station owners. This can included shorter pump life, bypass pumping needs, extended personnel time requirements, and many additional costs. As lift station management
Romtec Utilities designs and engineers booster pump stations with fully integrated control buildings for less cost. We have in-house expertise engineering both buildings and pumping systems, making integrated systems a perfect marriage of our capabilities. Romtec Utilities works to sell integrated pumping system packages along with our design services. So we offer our design and engineering work at an extreme discount to potentially win the manufacturing work as well. Cost is just one of many
Wastewater Lift Station Wet Well
The City of Shafter, CA needed to repair or replace an existing lift station that was on the verge of failing. There was not enough funding for a complete lift station replacement, so the City contacted Romtec Utilities to see what could be done to retrofit the system. Romtec Utilities provides complete repair and retrofit service for pump and lift stations to save owners money. Within a couple of weeks, Romtec Utilities sent a field
Romtec Utilities Stormwater Pump Station
Romtec Utilities designs all types of stormwater pump stations, and a frequent scenario is pumping to or from a stormwater detention pond. Typically, a pump station that is pumping to or from a pond can be located in two economical places. The first place is locating the pump station adjacent to the pond in the berm (or essentially the bank of the pond). The second option is to locate the pump station in the pond

Comments 8

  1. We are installing a groundwater extraction well in an aquifer with a very low yield (1 gpm with against a TDH of 70 feet of water total.

    Pump control would be through a pressure transducer in the well, which would send a signal to a VFD on the pump. We would need a control panel to accomodate the transducer signal, the VFD and the pump.

    Existing power at the site is 480 volt 3 phase and will need to be stepped down to 120 volt for the transducer and pump/vfd.

    Can you provide this panel?


    Erich Zimmerman

    1. Post
  2. Why does our transducer keep failing? The well was drilled in September 2018. Replaced transducer November 2020. Transducer has stopped working again January 2022. Someone is going to make the transducer more accessible. Should I clean the transducer every some many months?

    Thank you for any advice you have.

    Charles Canaan

    1. Post


      Thank you for your inquiry! A Romtec Utilities representative will be in touch with you soon.


      Romtec Utilities

  3. Why does my transducer fail in temperature changes? In the early hours when flow is low. It will call both pumps on, then pump the wet well down and not shut off. Could the inline air filter cause these issues? Other than that it runs normal.

    1. Post
  4. What is the Manufacturer and model number of the pressure Transducer that you have pictured in this article. I have one of these transducers in my waste pit and have not been able to Identify it. I need to replace it and can’t find a part number or manufacturer.

    1. Post


      Thank you for contacting Romtec Utilities! We will be in touch with you soon.


      Romtec Utilities

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