Recent Projects

Township of Lakewood | Residential Development Wastewater Lift Station
100 GPM | 41.1′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was proud to be part of this wastewater lift station in Lakewood, New Jersey for the developer and the various players as we designed and supplied the entire lift system. The lift system features a duplex configuration of 5hp Ebara submersible pumps and an FMX21 pressure transducer.

McIntosh, AL | Industrial Pump Station
75 GPM | 58′ TDH
Linde Engineering Americas reached out to Romtec Utilities looking for assistance with a stormwater lift station for a former Praxair facility in McIntosh, Alabama. Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage, and distribution of hydrogen.

Wellington Commons Development | Cutter Pump Sewer Lift Station
60 GPM | 16′ TDH
A commercial development in Delaware required this wastewater lift station to handle low flows of sewage from a new fast food restaurant and retail stores. Tsurumi cutter pumps in a duplex configuration macerate solids any in the wastewater to pass through the force main diameter.

Orlando Utility Commission | HRSG Blowdown Pump Station
100, 800 GPM | 85.6′, 135′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was hired to design and supply pump stations to support a combined-cycle power generation process that requires significant amounts of recirculated water to function for the Orlando Utility Commission in Orlando, FL.

Georgia Transmission Corporation | Septic Sewer System Replacement Lift Station
55 GPM | 49′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a wastewater lift station to replace an aging septic sewer systems for the Georgia Transmission Corporation’s (GTC) Electric Cooperative Training Center in Georgia.

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center | Lift Station Replacement
40 GPM | 15′ TDH
This was a true lift station replacement by installing a new package lift station “in the hole” of the removed wet well. Submersible pumps in a duplex configuration were included to meet the low sewage flows from the federal training facility.

Plantation Pipe Line | Low-Cost Stormwater Pump Station
175 GPM | 90′ TDH
This package stormwater lift station was configured to meet the medium runoff flow of this industrial property. One submersible centrifugal pump makes this a simplex station with an in-well check valve.

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center | Lift Station Replacement
150 GPM | 30′ TDH
This replacement wastewater lift station was designed to meet the medium sewage flow requirements of this federal training facility. Submersible solids-handling pumps in a duplex configuration pumps the effluent through in-well valves and out a three-inch force main.

Praxair, Inc. | Super-High Flow Industrial Lift Station
1800 GPM | 33.5′ TDH
A liquid hydrogen plant required this large 20’ deep lift station to handle super-high flows of industrial wastewater. In order to provide redundancy and expanded pumping capabilities, triplex submersible centrifugal pumps were specified in the 8’ diameter sump.

City of West Lafayette | Three Industrial Systems
F.A. Wilhelm originally brought us the “Hot Sump Basin” for our review, and then subsequently added on three other systems. RU ended up doing three total systems including: an Oil Water Separator, a Hot Sump Basin, and a Wash Drains Basin. All these systems will be located inside a building.

Tennessee Valley Authority at Shawnee Fossil Plant | Industrial Sewer
50 GPM | 67.7′ TDH
This industrial power plant needed a package lift station to meet the requirements for municipal wastewater. The 23-foot-deep sump holds duplex Goulds submersible sewage pumps specified to meet the 50 gpm maximum flow requirements.

Town of Capital Heights, MD | Stormwater Pumping System
10,916 GPM | 20.3′ TDH
This mixed-use development needed a stormwater pump station to handle flooding at a combination residential/commercial site. This pump station saves the site in the event of flooding.

Exelon West Medway Generating Station | Power Plant Pumping Systems
30 – 70 GPM | 10′ – 35′ TDH
The expansion of the Exelon Medway Generating Station required four unique pump stations to support future operations.

Milan Federal Correctional Institute | Low-Cost Lift Station Retrofit
125 GPM | 22′ TDH
Two skid-mounted lift station systems retrofitted two existing stations for medium sewage flows at this federal correctional facility. Preassembled above-grade skids with Pioneer self-priming pumps in duplex configurations drop suction piping into the existing sumps to pump effluent to the existing force mains.

MARS, Inc. | Stormwater Lift Station
22 GPM | 0′ TDH
Romtec Utilities had the opportunity to supply a new stormwater lift station for the expansion at the Mars Chocolates offices in Hackettstown, New Jersey. The Romtec Utilities supplied lift station was installed onsite by Nordic Contracting Company, Inc.

Public Service Enterprise Group | Industrial Stormwater Pump Station
225 GPM | 11.7′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a stormwater pump station as part of an improvement project at an industrial power switch station in Trenton, New Jersey.

Lakehurst Naval Air Station | Low-Cost Sewage Lift Station
250 GPM | 24.77′ TDH
This wastewater lift station was designed to meet the standards of the Lakehurst Naval Air Station while remaining cost effective. A duplex pump configuration utilized submersible 7.5 HP Weil Slicer Pumps to handle suspended solids in the sewage.

Kings Mountain Energy Center | HRSG Blowdown Pumping
480 GPM | 35′ TDH
A new HRSG system required 3 industrial pump stations to provide water for its processes. This HRSG blowdown pump station needed to handle extreme pumping conditions.

Dan River Steam Station | Combined Cycle Blow Down Pumping
300 GPM | 20′ TDH
Duke Energy replaced the Dan River Steam Station with a new gas fired power plant and needed a new pump station to handle medium flows of blow down water from the heat recovery steam generator.

Middletown Energy Center | HRSG Water Treatment Pump Station
40 GPM | 25′ TDH
Construction of a new combined cycle power plant in Middletown, OH required 3 pump stations for the operation of its HRSG system. Middletown Energy Center uses natural gas and HRSG to generate power, this process requires significant amounts of water for operation.

Middletown Energy Center | HRSG Blowdown and Process Pumping
480-850 GPM | 25′-35′ TDH
Construction of a new combined cycle power plant in Middletown, OH required 3 pump stations for the operation of its HRSG system. Middletown Energy Center uses natural gas and HRSG to generate power, this process requires significant amounts of water for operation.

Cedar Point Sports Center | Lift Station Pumping into Pressure Sewer
75 GPM | 60′ TDH
Romtec Utilities provided a complete wastewater lift station for a sports park in Ohio. This lift station collects wastewater from the on-site facilities and then pumps into an existing force main.

Momentum | Double-Wall Fiberglass Sumps
75 GPM | 67′ TDH
Utica East Ohio Midstream needed two new pump stations to handle low flows of stormwater runoff. To responsibly contain potentially hazardous stormwater from the topsoil, these pump stations were designed with double-wall fiberglass wet wells with interstitial leak detection.

Utica East Ohio Midstream LNG Plant | Double-Wall Fiberglass System
150 GPM | 59′ TDH
Utica East Ohio Midstream needed a new pump stations to handle low flows of stormwater runoff. To responsibly contain potentially hazardous stormwater from the topsoil, this pump station was designed with a double-wall fiberglass wet well with interstitial leak detection.

V.C. Summer Nuclear Station | Industrial Grinder Pump Lift Station
35 GPM | 33.6′ TDH
This package lift station was configured to handle low flows of industrial process water used for nuclear power generation. This lift station was one of the earliest systems to be installed during the construction of two new reactors at the plant.

DOW Chemical | Groundwater Remediation System
60 GPM | 25′ TDH
Union Carbide Corporation, a subsidiary of DOW Chemical, required a new stormwater pump station as part of a larger groundwater containment and remediation system in South Charleston, West Virginia.