Power Generation

Russel City Energy Center | Demineralized Process Water Pumping System
1350 GPM | 15′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to help on the design of an industrial pump station that would handle demineralized process water at the Russel City Energy Center in Hayward, California.

Public Service Enterprise Group | Industrial Stormwater Pump Station
225 GPM | 11.7′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a stormwater pump station as part of an improvement project at an industrial power switch station in Trenton, New Jersey. This is one of several locations where aging infrastructure is being replaced by the local electric company, Public Service Enterprise Group, or PSE&G.

Georgia Transmission Corporation | Septic Sewer System Replacement Lift Station
55 GPM | 49′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a wastewater lift station to replace an aging septic sewer systems for the Georgia Transmission Corporation’s (GTC) Electric Cooperative Training Center in Georgia.

Exelon West Medway Generating Station | Power Plant Pumping Systems
30 – 70 GPM | 10′ – 35′ TDH
The expansion of the Exelon Medway Generating Station required four unique pump stations to support future operations. Each of these systems required a unique design to meet the specific flow rates and head requirements.

Orlando Utility Commission | HRSG Blowdown Pump Station
100, 800 GPM | 85.6′, 135′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was hired to design and supply pump stations to support a combined-cycle power generation process that requires significant amounts of recirculated water to function for the Orlando Utility Commission in Orlando, FL.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company | Wastewater Lift Station
75 GPM | 10.8′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was hired to provide the design and supply of a new wastewater lift station for Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG & E) in Danville, California. The new lift station needed to handle low flows of wastewater while meeting the design standards of PG & E.

Kings Mountain Energy Center | HRSG Blowdown Pumping
480 GPM | 35′ TDH
A new HRSG system required 3 industrial pump stations to provide water for its processes. This HRSG blowdown pump station needed to handle extreme pumping conditions.

Middletown Energy Center | HRSG Blowdown and Process Pumping
480-850 GPM | 25′-35′ TDH
Construction of a new combined cycle power plant in Middletown, OH required 3 pump stations for the operation of its HRSG system. Middletown Energy Center uses natural gas and HRSG to generate power, this process requires significant amounts of water for operation.

Middletown Energy Center | HRSG Water Treatment Pump Station
40 GPM | 25′ TDH
Construction of a new combined cycle power plant in Middletown, OH required 3 pump stations for the operation of its HRSG system. Middletown Energy Center uses natural gas and HRSG to generate power, this process requires significant amounts of water for operation.

Dan River Steam Station | Combined Cycle Blow Down Pumping
300 GPM | 20′ TDH
Duke Energy replaced the Dan River Steam Station with a new gas fired power plant and needed a new pump station to handle medium flows of blow down water from the heat recovery steam generator.

Tennessee Valley Authority at Shawnee Fossil Plant | Industrial Sewer
50 GPM | 67.7′ TDH
This industrial power plant needed a package lift station to meet the requirements for municipal wastewater. The 23-foot-deep sump holds duplex Goulds submersible sewage pumps specified to meet the 50 gpm maximum flow requirements.

V.C. Summer Nuclear Station | Industrial Grinder Pump Lift Station
35 GPM | 33.6′ TDH
This package lift station was configured to handle low flows of industrial process water used for nuclear power generation. This lift station was one of the earliest systems to be installed during the construction of two new reactors at the plant.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Industrial Stormwater and Sewer
300 GPM | 23′ TDH
These three package lift stations were designed to meet medium flows of industrial process water with added low flows of industrial stormwater and wastewater. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration were specified to meet the peak flows and water chemistry identified for each pump station.

Basin Electrical Power Cooperative | Industrial Wastewater Pumping
100 GPM | 25′ TDH
This power generation facility installed a package lift station designed for medium sewage flows of industrial wastewater. To protect the submersible solids-handling pumps, an inlet line deflector panel was included in the design.

Ram Power Corp. San Jacinto-Tizate Geothermal Power Plant| Lift Station
100 GPM | 24.9′ TDH
A commercially owned geothermal power facility in Nicaragua purchased this package lift station to meet its medium wastewater flows. Shipping the major components for this system required precise documentation and plans.

Basin Electric Power Cooperative | Clean Water Industrial Pumping
130 GPM | 45′ TDH
The Groton Generating Station needed this package lift station to pump clean water as a part of its power generating processes from natural gas. The submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration meet the pumping requirements for this facility and discharge the water to parallel force mains.

Occidental Petroleum at Elk Hills, Inc. | Industrial Water Reuse
200 GPM | 115′ TDH
This package pump station was configured to meet the medium flow requirements for this clean water power generation process and reuse system. The system has a large precast-concrete rectangular sump with a barrier wall –or weir wall- to reduce turbulence for the pumps.