Pump Stations

Precast concrete sumps (wet wells) are a great choice for most wastewater, stormwater, and industrial water lift station applications. Romtec Utilities works with the top precast concrete manufacturers in the nation to make sure that only the best concrete is part of our package systems. Precast concrete sumps offer tons of flexibility in the system design as they are manufactured in several different internal diameters (4’ ID to 12’ ID). Additionally, the use of precast concrete sumps allows for the lift station to be prefabricated prior to it being delivered to the job site, which speeds up the overall installation time frame.

Carbon or Stainless-Steel Tanks are excellent for industrial water applications where the water to be pumped is hot, corrosive, or both. Romtec Utilities works with the top steel tank manufacturers in the nation to make sure that only the best steel tanks are part of our package systems. Every steel tank is custom designed and manufactured (depth, diameter, and materials of construction) to meet the project specific needs. Romtec Utilities offers exterior and interior coating options for the steel tanks to increase their corrosion resistance properties.

Fiberglass (FRP) wet wells are a great choice for corrosive wastewater and industrial water applications. Romtec Utilities works with the top fiberglass manufacturers in the nation to make sure that only the fiberglass wet wells are part of our package systems. Fiberglass wet wells can be manufactured to be extremely corrosion resistant to meet tough pumping environment needs. They can also be manufactured in a “double wall” configuration which allows for the monitoring of leaks (in or out of) the wet well.

Overflow storage tanks are common on large wastewater lift stations that are either expecting peak inflows above the pumping rate of the system or require longer than normal response times by the maintenance crews. Horizontal fiberglass tanks, HDPE pipe, and concrete manholes can all be used as storage tanks. The size of the tank is based on the duration of time required to store the “overflow” event at a determined flow rate (typical average daily flow). Which means, the bigger the system, the bigger the storage tank. Romtec Utilities can incorporate an overflow tank into any lift station design.

Below-Grade assemblies are an integral part of many pumping systems. They typically include valves and fittings to “header” the pump discharge piping in a below-grade structure. Romtec Utilities can design and supply below-grade assemblies in several different piping materials and as large as necessary for the project. Romtec Utilities pre-fabricates and pressure tests the below-grade valve assemblies in precast concrete vaults for easy installation by the site contractor.

Above-Grade Assemblies are perfect for warm environments where there is not a risk of freezing. Above-grade assemblies typically include valves, piping, and fittings to “header” piping in an easily maintained system. They can be constructed with ductile iron, carbon steel, or stainless-steel piping (sized as required). Romtec Utilities prefabricates and pressure tests the completed above-grade valve assemblies on steel skids, or precast concrete slabs, prior to their delivery to the job-site.

Romtec Utilities designs UL Listed control panels for use in all types of pumping applications. The control panels can be as simple as alternating relays and as complex as industrial grade program logic controllers (PLC’s) with color human machine interfaces (HMI’s). Romtec Utilities can design and supply control panels to meet any site-specific requirements for any water type.

Romtec Utilities designs and supplies Odor Control Systems for many different pumping applications from wastewater to industrial processes. Odor control systems can be configured through several technologies which also include chemical feed and injection systems. Romtec Utilities designs and supplies these types of systems and integrates all the associated electrical and mechanical components into your existing controls.