1,000gpm – 5,000gpm
Recent Projects

Vernon, CA | Stormwater Pumping System
1312 GPM | 14.7′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was pleased to partner with Prime Data Centers on this new data center in southern California to service the tech industry in the region. Working with Kimley Horn and the Murray Company on the details of this stormwater pump station was a success for the data center.

City of Norco, CA | Stormwater Lift Station
2000 GPM | 16.9′ TDH
This stormwater lift station project is for a new business park being developed by Caprock Partners in Norco, California. The site has needs for a detention basin to contain storm events and a pump station to empty the basin into the public stormwater system. It will sit in the berm/access road of the detention basin.

Pahrump, NV | Wastewater Lift Station
2500 GPM | 55.71′ TDH
As the community was expanding, it was apparent that they needed a wastewater lift station, so Romtec Utilities worked with TRC, which is a leading, global consulting, engineering, and construction management firm, to develop the wastewater lift station.
1,000gpm – 5,000gpm

Union Pacific Railroad | Stormwater Package Pump Station
3740.5 GPM | 31.4′ TDH
This project was initially recognized as a rehabilitation project but Romtec Utilities and David Evans and Associates, Inc. determined that they needed a replacement lift station to meet their increased stormwater demands.

Port of Portland | Industrial Wastewater Package Pump Station
2500 GPM | 59′ TDH
The PDX TCORE pump station is the fifth project RU has done for the Port of Portland in the last five years. The station is the main wastewater pump station for all of PDX.

Rogue Community College | Potable Water Booster Station
1333 GPM | 177′ TDH
Romtec worked with Marquess & Associates to provide them with the best value from an engineering, construction, and overall cost of maintenance standpoint.

Orange County | Stormwater Lift Station
1347 GPM | 72′ TDH
This project is a new lift station handling low flows in the Santa Ana Delhi Channel in Newport Beach, California. This system collects stormwater in a 10’ inner diameter (ID) wet well that reaches 32’ in depth. In the bottom of the well, three Ebara 20 horsepower (HP) submersible pumps sit ready to pump out the water.

NAVFAC | Industrial Process Water Pump Station
1000 GPM | 35′ TDH
The Romtec Utilities pump station is just the newest addition to the clean-up efforts, which began in 1981 at the NIROP site.

Rockefeller Group | Stormwater Lift Station
2020 GPM | 14.4′ TDH
The Rockefeller Group purchased 7.81 acres of improved land in order to build the Airway Industrial Park in Otay Mesa, California.

Port of Tacoma | Stormwater Pump Stations at Shipping Port
1090-1430 GPM | 25.6′-31.6′ TDH
The Port of Tacoma required three pump stations to send untreated stormwater through onsite water treatment systems. All stormwater that enters the marina will first travel through one of these three systems before being treated to improve the water quality at the port.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority | Meter Vault & Force Main Vault
Many projects are brought to us by either a municipality or a contractor that has been hired for the project by another agency. In the case of the Old Highway 99 project, R&G Excavating, the contractor hired by David Evans & Associates, brought the project to Romtec Utilities.

City of Port Orchard | Replacing Old Lift Stations With Efficient Designs
3800 GPM | 142′ TDH
The McCormick Lift Station #1 is an impressive site; on site are a 10’ inner diameter (ID) wet well, a precast rectangular dry pit, a fiberglass storage tank, a meter vault, a davit crane, a backup generator, and a control building to house the NEMA 12MCC controls and the Allen-Bradley CompactLogix controller.

Georgia Pacific | Stormwater Pump Station
3100 GPM | 25′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to provide the design and supply of a stormwater pump station for the Antioch Gypsum Plant.

Russel City Energy Center | Demineralized Process Water Pumping System
1350 GPM | 15′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to help on the design of an industrial pump station that would handle demineralized process water at the Russel City Energy Center in Hayward, California.

Snohomish County | Estuary Restoration Pump Station
4170 GPM | 26.5′ TDH
Romtec Utilities designed, supplied, and manufactured a powerful stormwater pump station with an integrated control building. The pump station was installed as part of a large estuary restoration project and is used to prevent inland flooding.

Portland International Airport | Parking Structure Stormwater Pump Station
3600 GPM | 46.4′ TDH
The construction of a new multi-level parking garage at the Portland International Airport (PDX) required a stormwater pump station to handle high flows of stormwater.

City of Bakersfield | Deep Sewer Lift Station
2200 GPM | 44.1′ TDH
A new residential development needed a deep well sewer lift station to handle high flows of municipal wastewater.

Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital | Stormwater Pump Station
1095 GPM | 18′ TDH
A hospital in Santa Barbara, California needed an engineered pump station to handle medium flows of stormwater.

East Bay Municipal Utility District | Water Treatment Settling Pond
2085 GPM | 118′ TDH
Refurbishing a shut-down water treatment plant required a new pump station to pump high flows of water. The unique application drains water used in a cleaning process into a large settling pond.

Sage Apartments | Big and Little Stormwater Pump Stations
23, 2850 GPM | 25.4′, 17.5′ TDH
Sage at Cerritos is a new luxury apartment complex in Cerritos, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. Romtec Utilities provided two stormwater pump stations for this residential development aptly referred to as “big stormwater” and “little stormwater”.

Magnolia Pacific School | High Flow Stormwater Pump Station
3146 GPM | 21.3′ TDH
One aspect during the construction of Magnolia Pacific Technical School was a stormwater pump station. This system would handle extremely high flows of stormwater and pump it to treatment.

City of San Mateo | Urban Housing Development Lift Station
1218 GPM | 96′ TDH
After the historic Bay Meadows racetrack closed down, a large residential development began that required this large wastewater lift station. A triplex configuration of 30 hp Flygt pumps handles the high flow rates of this system.

City of Huntington Beach | Industrial Center Stormwater Pumping
1800 GPM | 28.19′ TDH
A new 144,000 square feet, two building industrial center needed a large stormwater pump station to handle the runoff from the site. This triplex system includes a fourth, “jockey” pump to handle low flow dry-season runoff.

Praxair, Inc. | Super-High Flow Industrial Lift Station
1800 GPM | 33.5′ TDH
A liquid hydrogen plant required this large 20’ deep lift station to handle super-high flows of industrial wastewater. In order to provide redundancy and expanded pumping capabilities, triplex submersible centrifugal pumps were specified in the 8’ diameter sump.

City of Oakland | Municipal Wastewater Lift Station Replacement
1339 GPM | 21.9′ TDH
This municipal water district replaced an existing lift station with this packaged lift station designed for the high sewage flow requirements. 15 hp submersible sewage pumps discharges to a below grade valve assembly, which includes valves, actuators, indicators, and access ports.

City of Battle Ground, Washington | Triplex Lift Station Design
3155 GPM | 46.2′ TDH
This stormwater lift station was designed for the City of Battle Ground to support the “now and future” needs of a developing area. This was achieved by designing the system to operate with large submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to meet the expected “future” flow rates.

Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital | Municipal Stormwater Pump Station
1095 GPM | 21.5′ TDH
This simple package lift station was designed to handle the medium flows of stormwater at this hospital facility. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration alternate pump starts or can both operate in high stormwater events.

City of Brawley, California | Wastewater Treatment Improvements
1350 GPM | 25′ TDH
The City of Brawley needed this packaged lift station to handle high flows of wastewater at its municipal treatment plant. 12 HP submersible pumps in a duplex configuration were used to meet the high flow pumping needs and a conductive probe was used for liquid level-sensing.

Union Pacific Railroad | Replacement Water Collection System
4000 GPM | 25′ TDH
The Union Pacific Depot in Cheyenne, Wyoming needed two new stormwater pump stations to replace existing systems. The first station used Ebara 25 hp submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to handle stormwater runoff from a parking lot and additional drains.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | Large Wet-Dry Lift Station
1585 GPM | 25′ TDH
The Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton needed this large wet-dry wastewater lift station to replace an existing system to allow the construction of new enlisted quarters. The new lift station included triplex dry-pit pumps to handle super-high flows of sewage from the facilities.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Chopper Pump Sewer Lift Station
1120 GPM | 150′ TDH
This unique package wastewater lift station was designed to meet the high sewage flows of this US Army Corps of Engineers managed reservoir and nearby campgrounds. Vertical chopper pumps were engineered above the sump in a precast concrete structure with the above grade valve assembly.

Goleta Sanitary District | Comprehensive Wastewater Lift Station
1500 GPM | 66′ TDH
This lift station serves a large area and was installed at Santa Barbara Municipal Airport as part of a larger project. Two submersible solids handling pumps are supported by a jockey pump that acts as a sump pump for periods of low flow.

City of Arcata, CA | Turnkey Lift Station Replacement
2947 GPM | 34.2′ TDH
This “turnkey” replacement lift station was designed, supplied, and installed to meet super-high sewage flow with infiltration and inflow requirements of a municipal wastewater lift station. Submersible solids-handling pumps in a triplex configuration were installed.

Walmart in Gardnerville, Nevada | Stormwater Detention Pond Pumping
1300 GPM | 23.4′ TDH
A new Walmart Supercenter required this package stormwater pump station to handle runoff from its large impervious parking lot. A good sized detention basin collects the runoff water during a storm event, including from surrounding properties.

Orange County Groundwater Replenishment System | Collection Pump Station
4500 GPM | 32.5′ TDH
To create new potable water, this lift station pumps clean stormwater from a collection/storage basin to a treatment facility. Duplex vertical turbine pumps move high flows of water very efficiently and use soft starters to reduce torque on the vertical shaft and provide additional pump diagnostics.

The Marke Luxury Apartments | Unique Stormwater Pumping Solution
3591 GPM | 24.8′ TDH
This stormwater pump station was designed to handle variable flows of stormwater runoff. The typical stormwater expectations called for low flow pumping, but this pump station needed to handle high flows as well.

California State University Channel Islands | Stormwater Pump Station
2500 GPM | 25′ TDH
A university needed this package stormwater pump station designed to meet the high flow requirements for draining a detention pond. A flooded inlet line from the detention pond is pumped by submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration.

City of Norco, CA | Stormwater Lift Station
2000 GPM | 16.9′ TDH
This stormwater lift station project is for a new business park being developed by Caprock Partners in Norco, California. The site has needs for a detention basin to contain storm events and a pump station to empty the basin into the public stormwater system. It will sit in the berm/access road of the detention basin.

Pahrump, NV | Wastewater Lift Station
2500 GPM | 55.71′ TDH
As the community was expanding, it was apparent that they needed a wastewater lift station, so Romtec Utilities worked with TRC, which is a leading, global consulting, engineering, and construction management firm, to develop the wastewater lift station.

City of Los Angeles | Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade
2363 GPM | 44.4′ TDH
The Sun Valley project involves upgrading an existing waste management facility which has a large stormwater and smaller wastewater pump station. Romtec Utilities designed, manufactured, and supplied this large stormwater pump station to fit the needs of the upgraded facility.