
Union Pacific Railroad | Stormwater Package Pump Station
3740.5 GPM | 31.4′ TDH

The Union Pacific Railroad Company needed a packaged stormwater lift station to service the Alton and Southern Railway Gateway Yard drainage improvements project in East St. Louis, Illinois.

Marathon Petroleum | Oil Refinery Process Wastewater
75 GPM | 125′ TDH

The Marathon Petroleum Refinery in Robinson, IL needed this new industrial process water pump station to handle its medium flows of highly acidic water combined with standard wastewater.

Granite City 400X400
Metro East Sanitary District | Municipal Sewer Lift Stations
123 GPM | 21′ TDH

A large neighborhood received these two lift stations that were designed to handle medium sewage flow requirements. The submersible solids-handling pumps in duplex configurations were specified to handle influent from three inlet lines from different sections of the neighborhood.

MERCK Animal Health
Merck Animal Health | Industrial Wastewater with Variable pH
100 GPM | 21′ TDH

This industrial pumping system was designed to handle medium flows of process wastewater created from cleaning cycles at the Merck Animal Health facility. The wastewater was specified with highly variable pH conditions, so the pumping system was designed with a double-wall fiberglass sump with leak detection.

Dow Chemical Company
Dow Chemical Company | Replacement Fiberglass Lift Station
50 GPM | 90′ TDH

This package wastewater lift station replacement was delivered largely preassembled for quick and simple installation by the customer. This procedure provided an expertly designed lift station that would uphold the privacy values of the facility.

Gas Refinery Process Water
Exxon Mobil Joint Venture Refinery | Super-High Flow Stormwater Pumping
30000 GPM | Various TDH

To address the industrial stormwater concerns of coastal Louisiana, this large, precast concrete pump station was designed to meet super-high flows of runoff at this Exxon refinery.

Dow Chemical Company
Dow Chemical Company Louisiana Operations | Prefabricated Pump Station
8500 GPM | 32′ TDH

This package pump station was designed to respect the confidentiality of this industrial facility. The entire system was delivered with much of the hardware preinstalled in the fiberglass wet well to facilitate simple, “drop-in” installation.

Praxair Hydrogen Refinery | Mixed Industrial Water Pump Station
562 GPM | 200′ TDH

This was the first of two packaged pump stations needed to handle varying flows of industrial process water and stormwater at a hydrogen refinery. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration also included a submersible “jockey” pump.

US Navy Logo
NAVFAC | Industrial Process Water Pump Station
1000 GPM | 35′ TDH

The Romtec Utilities pump station is just the newest addition to the clean-up efforts, which began in 1981 at the NIROP site.

United States Army PPS 400X400
United States Army Prime Power School | Two Distinctive Lift Stations
300 GPM | 143′ TDH

These package lift stations were designed to meet the high head pumping requirements for this training facility of the US Army Corps of Engineers. For one station with over 7,000 ft. of 8” force main, 35 hp duplex submersible centrifugal pumps were supplied to achieve the 300 gpm flow rate .

Pleasant Valley RV Park | High-Capacity Triplex Lift Station
844 GPM | 38′ TDH

A residential boom town of employees from nearby natural gas mining facilities needed a large lift station to handle over 1.2 MGD of wastewater. Submersible Ebara sewage pumps in a triplex configuration were included for the new and future pumping rates resulting from residential growth.

BAE Acetic Acid Plant | Corrosive Water Pumping Skid
300 GPM | 30′ TDH

BAE Systems, Inc. needed a new pumping system that could handle medium flows of industrial wastewater that was also skid mounted.

City of Granbury Texas
City of Granbury, TX | Wastewater Package Pump Station
486 GPM | 29′ TDH

Romtec Utilities was contacted by Texas Water Engineers (TXWE) who was the utilities engineer on the project regarding pump selection for the private development.

Crystal Creek Developers, LLC | Community Stormwater Pump Station
500 GPM | 26′ TDH

A new mixed-use community development needed a stormwater pump station to handle medium flows of stormwater from the community.

Boardwalk Pipeline Partners
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners | Midstream Pipeline Stormwater Pump Station
100 GPM | 11′ TDH

Romtec Utilities designed, engineered, and manufactured a stormwater pump station for a midstream facility natural gas pipeline. The pump station handles medium flows of stormwater from the pipeline site.

Praxair Hydrogen Refinery | Self-Priming Pumping Skid
540 GPM | 280′ TDH

This packaged pump station was the second of two pump stations supplied for industrial process water and stormwater at two Valero oil refineries. The design criteria specified varying flows which required a duplex pump configuration with an included “jockey” pump to handle the smaller flows.

Ajax Gas Plant | Industrial Stormwater and Process Water
200 GPM | 50′ TDH

This package pump station was designed to meet a low flow of industrial process water with added low flows of industrial stormwater. The dual purposes of this pump station required shaft-driven centrifugal pumps with the motors located above-grade.

Clean Water Booster Skid
City of Van Alstyne, Texas | Clean Water Booster Skip Pump Station
834 GPM | 74′ TDH

Romtec Utilities partnered with the City of Van Alstyne to provide a clean water booster pump station. The provided clean water booster pump station was part of their project to update the City of Van Alstyne’s water system through the construction of a new water tower.