Septic to Sewer Conversions
Wastewater Lift Stations for Converting Existing Septic Systems

Convert Septic to Sewer at a Small or Large Scale
Whether it is updating a single building or incorporating an entire neighborhood, Romtec Utilities has experience with your size of project. We make upgrading to a municipal sewer system easier by supplying any and all aspects of the lift station through a single partner for the whole project.
Get Experience & Assistance with the Public Approval Process
Gaining public approval can require a lot of effort when upgrading to sewer. Romtec will help with public agencies by meeting their standards and satisfying their requirements quickly with detailed, engineered drawings. These documents make approval easier by clearly outlining the compliance of the project and the functionality of the lift station.
Romtec Has Experience Successfully Pumping into Existing Sewer Pressure Mains
If your septic to sewer conversion requires tapping into an existing sewer force main, Romtec Utilities can help do it successfully. Our engineers are experts at integrating new lift stations into existing sewer system force mains. Accessing an existing pressure main is a great way to reduce the cost of upgrading to sewer if done correctly.
1-year System Warranty & Romtec Utilities System Support
Romtec Utilities provides a 1-year warranty on virtually all of our systems. We also supply O&M documents to help with long-term management of the new lift station. To help manage these, operators of one of our systems can call a Romtec support person to provide basic assistance and troubleshooting over the phone.
View Septic to Sewer Conversion Projects

Battleground School District | Wastewater Lift Station for School Improvement
127 GPM | 103.4′ TDH
Romtec Utilities was asked to design and supply a wastewater lift station for the Battleground School District in Southern Washington.

City of Bremerton | Modern Residential Development
160 GPM | 118′ TDH
The City of Bremerton needed a new sewer lift station to handle medium flows of wastewater from a new residential development.

West Mesa Industrial Park | Septic System Replacement Lift Station
733 GPM | 44′ TDH
The US Army Corps of Engineers worked with Romtec Utilities to design this lift station to replace an existing septic system.
Getting a Wastewater Lift Station

Romtec Utilities provides full engineering and design services to meet the specific goals of your project. Romtec Utilities’ Engineers are experts in water conveyance systems across a wide array of water types and applications. We work with our clients through every step of the process, from preliminary designs and budgetary estimates, submittal and review processes, installation, and all the way through start-up, training, and warranty.

Project Support
With Romtec Utilities you gain the support of our dedicated project management team at every step-from planning through installation. Romtec Utilities covers a vast scope of services that help execute the design, supply, construction, testing, and training of your pump system to ensure its success at the site location.

Romtec Utilities provides a high level of system prefabrication prior to delivery of the system to the jobsite. This greatly reduces construction cost and installation time, as well as potential project delays and change orders. This high level of prefabrication can often reduce installation time from weeks to days. Additionally, Romtec Utilities takes pride in our quality control processes, ensuring that when the system is delivered to the job site everything will function as designed.

Romtec Utilities ensures the quality and success of every pumping system from the early stages of design, all the way through installation and construction. Romtec Utilities will send experienced installation advisors to the site who will advise the installing contractor throughout the installation process providing all parties with the reassurance that the station is constructed and ultimately functioning as designed.

Romtec Utilities’ startup, testing, and training services are essential to the success of any pumping system. Following installation our technicians are on-site working directly with all parties to field check the control panel, operate the pumps, perform system testing, and provide world class training to all maintenance personnel.

With Romtec Utilities, every complete pump station is covered with a standard one-year warranty. Romtec Utilities also provides ongoing support from our entire team throughout the lifetime of our products. This support is provided to ensure that every pump and lift station project is successful.