Repair & Retrofit

As the existing utility infrastructure in America is beginning to age and fail, the retrofit and repair of sumps is becoming an option that local municipalities may need to consider. Retrofitting or repairing existing sumps by cleaning and coating the interior with a high-grade epoxy, replacing the discharge piping and fittings, and replacing the old pumps can add another 20 years or more of service to the system. Romtec Utilities can design and supply the required components as a package for municipal lift station retrofit and repair projects.

There have been a lot of advancements in lift/pump station hatch fall protection over the last 30 years. Most lift stations built before 2000 did not come with OHSA approved fall protection safety grates integrated into the access hatch. The most effective way to get these OHSA approved fall protection safety grates is to replace the existing lift station top slab and access hatch with a new precast concrete top slab and access hatch with integrated OHSA approved fall protection safety grates. Romtec Utilities can work with you on the design and supply of the new top slab and access hatch to meet your project’s specific needs. The top slabs and access hatches are available in range, from pedestrian rated, all the way up to aircraft rated.

Romtec Utilities can offer design services and equipment to replace the old outed dated (legacy) controllers with new modern industrial grade program logic controllers (PLC) and human machine interfaces (HMI). These upgrades can extend the life of the system while offering more flexibility along with new monitoring and SCADA options. Romtec Utilities handles these control panel repair/retrofit projects on a case by case bases to make sure that the end user gets the best possible out come.