Pressure Relief Vaults
Pressure Relief Vaults or PRVs are a great addition to any pumping system or existing water and sewer mains. Romtec Utilities designs and engineers the complete pressure relief valve assemblies. We fabricate the unit with all fittings, piping, PRV valves, pressure regulator valves, reducing valves, control valves, and more. The prefabricated PRV vault is then shipped to your project site for easy installation. Romtec Utilities also provides complete design drawings for the PRV assembly and any electrical design work required for the assembly components.
- Rectangular = 4’ x 4’ up to 10’ x 24’
- Round = 4’ ID to 12’ ID
Vault Materials
- Precast Concrete
- Round Fiberglass
- Carbon Steel
- Any Coating or Lining
Traffic Ratings
- Pedestrian
- H-20 Occasional
- H-20 Full Traffic Rated
- Aircraft Rated
Piping Materials
- Ductile Iron
- Carbon Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Galvanized Steel
Additional Valves
- Pressure Reducing Valve
- Pressure Releasing Valve
- Pressure Regulator Valve
- Pressure Control Valve
- Eccentric Plug Valve
- Surge Protection Valve
- Swing Check Valve
- Butterfly Valve
- Gate Valve
- Ball Valve
Popular Brands
- Ross Valve
- Dezurik
- Cla-Val
Common Options
- Pumping Ports
- Pigging Ports
- Air Release Valves
- Access Ladders
- Pressure Gauges
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