Romtec Utilities can help government purchasers save money on complete pumping systems with our government contracts. Government contracts are negotiated product listings with built in discounts that represent a company’s most favorable pricing on the products listing. The negotiated price discounts ensure that government purchasers have access to products at or better than fair market value. Operating this way allows approved government agencies at the city, state, and federal level to purchase products immediately and directly without a required bid process. The advantage is getting a preferred product from a reputable manufacturer for less money in less time.
The biggest contract that Romtec Utilities offers is through the General Services Administration (GSA). The GSA holds contracts for a wide range of products and services available to most federal agencies. Through this contract Romtec Utilities can provide complete pumping systems at the most favorable pricing available to government agencies. This pricing includes the complete design, the complete supply, and the total delivery of the system. Additionally, installation services can be purchased for the entire system including the start-up, training, and warrantee. This provides a “one-stop-shop” for getting pumping systems for wastewater, stormwater, clean water, and process water in the fastest and most affordable way.
Typically, the competitive bidding process is viewed as the best method for procuring construction of a sophisticated structure or system. This process involves using separate agencies for design services, manufacturing, and construction/installation in most scenarios. Through the GSA contract, it is possible to get all of these services through Romtec Utilities at a cost that is guaranteed to be better than fair market value. The GSA contract is a great advantage for government purchasers to get every aspect of their lift station handled through a single entity with specific expertise in pumping systems.

In addition to the GSA contract, Romtec Utilities actively maintains two state contracts with California and Texas. These contracts are referred to as “multiple award schedules” in most states, so for California and Texas, the contracts are called CMAS and TXMAS, respectively. These contracts extend the same benefits as the GSA contract to state government agencies, including DOTs, cities, and community organizations. For government purchasers in California and Texas, using their state contracts is a great way to get pump stations quickly from a national leader and at competitive prices. Government agencies can do more with less money by purchasing pumping systems through contracts.
Romtec Utilities is always looking to expand state contracts. If you have specific questions about government purchasing in your state. Call our sales staff to see what options are available through Romtec Utilities to get complete pumping systems with a government discount.