Yes, Romtec Utilities includes the cost of delivery for every packaged lift station to the job site in the total pricing. Supply costs are included in complete systems as well as repair or retrofit packages. Romtec Utilities also includes an onsite construction adviser to oversee the offloading and installation of the lift station by the contractor.
Does Romtec Utilities retrofit or repair existing pump stations?
Yes, Romtec Utilities has designed solutions for many pump stations needing repair or retrofit work. Not every job requires a brand-new, complete system. Romtec Utilities has supplied packages capable of updating or modernizing specific aspects of an existing pump stations. In some cases, the existing sump can be retained while a Romtec Utilities package is supplied to provide the electrical and mechanical components. Romtec Utilities can design any system to fit within your design criteria …
Does Romtec Utilities need a site plan to design my lift station?
No, Romtec Utilities can design a lift station without a site plan as long as the necessary elevations an peak inflow is provided. Romtec Utilities does recommend providing a site plan to help verify that the system will fit into the overall project. A site plan will also aid in construction when the installers and field advisors are setting the system into the ground.
Does Romtec Utilities include a site plan in its design?
Romtec Utilities does not conduct a survey for a site plan. If a site plan is provided, Romtec Utilities will propose advantageous locations or configurations and locate the lift station accordingly.
Does Romtec Utilities design lift stations with ladders in the wet well, valve vault, or meter vault?
Yes, Romtec Utilities does design lift stations with ladders in the wet well, valve vault, or meter vault; however, Romtec Utilities does not always recommend installing a ladder into the wet well. There are added dangers associated with confined spaces filled with liquid. Instead, a crane can be used to pull components out of the wet well eliminating the need to enter the sump. Any ladder into the wet well, meter vault, or valve vault …