A pumping port provides a tie-in to the force main in case there is a problem with the lift station that causes the wet well to fill to capacity. This allows for an emergency mobile pumping system to drop in to the wet well and pump the inflow to the existing force main. The pumping port is located downstream of the check valve in either a valve vault or a separate enclosure. The check valve …
Why use an Air Release Valve (ARV)?
Air release valves (ARVs) are used to help resolve air entrapment issues. ARVs are typically located at high point elevations in force mains. The ARV released any entrapped air caught at the high point of the system (see image below 1). This air can come from pressure changes, the pumps, through any openings, and/or through fittings. There is air trapped at high point elevations because air is lighter then water and there is nothing forcing …