Romtec Utilities engineers a variety of solutions for rehabilitating existing pump and lift stations. These projects typically fit into a repair, a retrofit, or a replacement process. Each type of solution require a slightly different process. When it comes to retrofitting a lift station, Romtec Utilities uses a detailed process to help our customers get a well-designed solution in a defined schedule. To some, this process can seem cumbersome at first, but it offers a number of advantages that help ensure the long-term functionality of the retrofit as an enduring solution.

The first step of the retrofit process is to evaluate the existing pump or lift station and to specify the pumping requirements of the completed system. Evaluating the existing system allows our engineers to determine what components can be retained for an extended period of time. It also allows our engineers to design the system retrofit with new components that will function correctly with the hardware that is retained. Designing a compatible retrofit is very important to the success of a project. Pumping systems can outwardly appear simple, but these are sophisticated, engineered systems that require specific engineering to function correctly. It is typically not effective to simply replace existing components with new components.
The next step is to define a retrofit plan. The retrofit plan clearly details what the existing system looks like, what components will be removed, what components will be installed, and the pumping capabilities of the completed system. The retrofit plan provides the complete scope of work, the complete bill of materials, and roles and responsibilities of Romtec Utilities and the retrofit package installer. Once a plan is created by Romtec Utilities, we provide it to the customer to review. When the plan is agreed upon, the retrofit package can then be assembled.

Romtec Utilities provides an advisor onsite to provide the installing contractor with installation advice based on the retrofit plan. The advisor is onsite simply to assist the process and to make sure the plan and documentation are fully understood throughout the installation process. After the retrofit package has been installed, a Romtec Utilities technician starts-up the pump station and conducts testing and training. Then the retrofit package gets warrantied after start-up and O&M manuals are provided.
The reason Romtec Utilities uses a detailed process for pump and lift station retrofits is that it results in the best system for the customer. This process gives customers the opportunity to save money by improving an existing system and it does so through an engineering process that has a guaranteed end result. Without taking the time to evaluate, engineer, and supply a defined package, retrofit projects can become money pits where components are not compatible and there is a lack of understanding as to what constitutes a finished system. Unfortunately, this is an all too common pitfall with retrofit projects, but Romtec Utilities always makes sure our customers get a fully function system with the cost savings of a retrofit process.