News & Stories from Romtec Utilities
Romtec Utilities designs, engineers, manufactures, and supplies pump stations for all types of stormwater applications. In stormwater pumping, there are many strategies for how to handle the expected storm flows. These strategies are often developed around a single question. What happens if your pump station fails? The answer to that question is important because, unlike with wastewater and sewage, regulations don’t always mandate failsafe stormwater pumping. Understanding what’s at stake is where a good stormwater
Romtec Utilities designs and supplies prefabricated pump stations for all types of applications. Most pump stations are designed to be installed underground, but even under the most ideal circumstances, construction underground can be challenging. One of the most difficult challenges for contractors with pump station installation projects is addressing dewatering. Romtec Utilities has experienced many projects that required dewatering, and being prepared for dewatering can be the difference between a smooth pump station installation and
Romtec Utilities handles all types of pump station projects for many different applications. On virtually all of our projects, Romtec Utilities provides prefabrication services on major pump station assemblies. Prefabricated pump stations are a great advantage for owners and contractors alike as they reduce installation time and equipment requirements. With all of the benefits of prefabricated pump stations, there can also be confusion around how exactly these pump stations are engineered, delivered, and installed. In
Romtec Utilities designs, manufactures, and supplies pumping systems for many different applications. Our systems include all structural, all mechanical, all electrical, and all communications systems in a single purchase. Many of our systems are designed and supplied to handle sewage and wastewater flows in a lift station design. In many scenarios, these lift stations are for new construction like residential and commercial developments. Sewer infrastructure is typically available, and with some projects, engineers and developers
Romtec Utilities designs and supplies pump stations for many different types of applications, including leachate collection and removal systems. Leachate pump stations are required whenever water passes through a bed of solids and extracts contaminating elements. The most common scenario for collecting and pumping leachate is for landfills, but there are industrial applications as well. Leachate can be corrosive, acidic, and toxic toward all lifeforms and for many years was allowed to runoff into watersheds
Comments 2
I have a client in Athens GA that is constructing a new gas station- The designers failed to observe some existing utilities that preclude gravity flow from his detention pond to the local storm sewer. He sees the only way to solve the matter is installing a Stormwater pump station – likely be a low head and fairly low GPM station. Would appreciate a follow up– I am in the process of getting some plans from him– I’ve not been on site nor seen any plans
Regards, Jerry Hood
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Romtec Utilities