Romtec Utilities is Uniquely Positioned to Meet
Stormwater Requirements Across Colorado

Stormwater runoff management and treatment has become an important part of planning for new developments of all types across the country including Colorado. In newly developed areas, impervious surfaces such as streets, parking lots, and building roofs prevent precipitation from permeating the ground as it would have pre-development. Instead, the stormwater runoff will quickly flow over these impervious surfaces and feed directly into ditches, storm drains, streams, lakes, and wetlands, often picking up garbage and pollutants along the way. This effectively bypasses the environment’s natural ability to filter out contaminants through soil and vegetation before it is able to reach these water bodies.

In the interest of maintaining clean water and healthy ecosystems for future generations, it was discovered some time ago that allowing stormwater runoff to feed directly into streams, lakes, and wetlands without any sort of treatment can be detrimental to overall water quality, and often devastating to fragile ecosystems. Great strides have been taken from the federal level, and trickling all the way down through states, counties, and individual municipalities, to mitigate the negative effects of post-development stormwater runoff. This transcends new development though, as many municipalities across the country are also integrating green infrastructure into existing urban development.

Colorado’s largest municipalities, such as Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, and Fort Collins all have slightly different requirements and standards for stormwater runoff management. Additionally, Denver, Larimer, El Paso, Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas counties all have their own stormwater management plans that can differ from that of the individual municipalities located within their geographical area. The City of Aurora is an interesting example when considering the differing management plans across the counties and municipalities, as Aurora is geographically located within three different counties (Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas).

Whether stormwater runoff will ultimately be treated artificially, or through the use of green infrastructure, the stormwater will often need to be pumped from a detention/retention pond or catch basin to treatment, and/or from treatment to the final discharge point. This is where Romtec Utilities’ vast experience in the world of water conveyance and site-specific pumping systems can be of great benefit to your Colorado based project.
As all of Romtec Utilities packaged pumping systems are custom and designed to the specific application and site conditions, Romtec Utilities is uniquely positioned to meet the varying standards and specifications between different counties, municipalities, and the State of Colorado, while also ensuring that all federal regulations are adhered to. Additionally, Romtec Utilities is not tied to any specific component manufacturers. As different counties and municipalities will often have different requirements or preferences for componentry, this allows us to integrate whatever the required/preferred componentry may be into our packaged systems.

At Romtec Utilities, we always strive to not only meet, but to exceed the goals of your project. Since we do not offer “off the shelf” systems, Romtec Utilities is able to tailor each system to Colorado’s specific stormwater requirements for each individual scenario. This ensures that all interested parties are satisfied with the system upon completion of the project.
Comments 2
Can you please share an example of a project in Colorado that utilized pumping of detention facility from treatment to the discharge point.
Thank you for your comment! Romtec Utilities cannot provide specific examples to Colorado that are published on our website, but you can find examples of what you are looking for at the following links:
CSU Channel Islands
Sacramento Municipal Utility District