Romtec Utilities designs and supplies lift stations for all types of applications, some with difficult construction requirements. One of the most difficult construction requirements is doing underground construction on an ocean beach. Part of completing these projects is utilizing a site engineer and geotechnical report to create a reliable construction plan for your site. The second part is finding a contractor with the experience and capabilities to install the pumping system. When these two issues are addressed for the site, Romtec Utilities supplies pump stations that are designed to perform as good as on any other site.
The first undertaking is utilizing a reliable site engineer and a site-specific geotechnical report. This is important for several reasons. Sand on beaches is heavily saturated and the depth and density of the sand can vary greatly. This can lead to problems with buoyancy, settling, and even sinking. A geotechnical report will specify what is needed from the contractor for a base or foundation material for the wet well. Romtec Utilities supplies wet wells and vaults with uplift calculations suitable for sand, which is one of the most troublesome backfill materials. If the base is solid per a geotechnical report, the Romtec Utilities supplied wet well will experience no problems during its lifecycle with regards to settling, buoyancy, and sinking.

The next task is deciding who will install the pump station on the beach. This is another crucial step in the development of a reliable system. Romtec Utilities has worked with experienced contracts in unground beach construction and inexperienced contractors. From our experience, costs and risks increase when an inexperience contractor is used. Understanding the appropriate shoring and dewatering processes is critical to keeping a pump station installation on schedule and within budget. Another consideration is that many beach pump stations are installed slightly below finish grade so that they are not visible to beachgoers. This is something that the contractor should understand and be capable of accomplishing if it is a priority for the customer.
When reliable geotechnical reports and underground contractors are used, a Romtec Utilities pump station is designed for long term functionality even in ocean beach applications. We utilities wet well suitable for all types of groundwater conditions as well as uplift for sand backfill. Romtec Utilities will also provide piping and valves in non-corrosive materials or with protective coatings suitable for saltwater. If you need a pump station designed, supplied, and constructed on a difficult site like a beach, partner with Romtec Utilities to get the best solution available.