Romtec Utilities offers a wide variety of services related to our pump stations, but Romtec Utilities also frequently works on control panels for existing pump stations. As time goes by, control panels can experience a lot of wear and tear and can simply become out-of-date. When these problems arise, control panels may need to be repaired and/or retrofitted. How do you know which option fits your scenario? What is the process for improving a control panel? Romtec Utilities works to help people get the best pump station controls for their system. Here’s how.
The first step is to determine whether a repair or a retrofit is required. Repairs are fairly easy to diagnose. Control panel repairs attempt to “fix” failing components while maintaining the original functionality of the panel. Things like enclosures, relays, cables, and other electrical components can become damaged and impair the functionality of the panel. In these situations, the control panel must get suitable replacement parts that can be installed to restore the panel functionality to its original condition.

The Romtec Utilities process for completing a control panel repair is straightforward. First, an on-site evaluation of the control panel needs to be made by a Romtec Utilities field service technician or by another approved electrician. Then the problem needs to be diagnosed and an appropriate repair needs to be determined. Often times this can be completed onsite. If more work will be required, Romtec Utilities will create a proposal for the complete scope of the repair for the customer to approve. Then all the repair work is carried out.
Retrofits alter the original functionality of the control panel to accommodate new features, components, systems, or requirements. This work can include items such as upgrading a level control device, upgrading to new pump horsepower, upgrading a panel to a PLC platform, replacing or upgrading communication system or a specific SCADA system, update software code to expand the panel capabilities, and many other improvements or modifications.

Romtec Utilities begins a retrofit process just like a repair process, with an on-site evaluation. With a retrofit, Romtec Utilities also evaluates and available documentation for the control panel. Then the control panel problems or issues are evaluated, and a clear determination of the retrofit configuration or new operational parameters is provided. Then, Romtec Utilities develops a complete scope of work for the retrofit. When the scope is approved, the control panel is engineered and system drawings are developed. Then Romtec Utilities manufactures, delivers, installs, and starts up the new retrofit configuration.
After Romtec Utilities complete the scope of work, Romtec Utilities provides operation and maintenance documentation, training, and a warranty. These processes allow pump station owners to get the most out of their existing systems without having to completely replace a control panel. Romtec Utilities has expertise in these types of control devices and can help pump station owners save money. Contact Romtec Utilities to see if a control panel repair or retrofit will benefit your pump station.
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