Forming a “Standard Development Process” With Romtec in Colorado

In the world of pumping systems, the “standard development process” is something that all special districts have faced or will face moving forward in order to provide continuity amongst their systems for maintenance staff. Clearly defining and publishing standard drawings and plans for systems across all water types helps to ensure that each system (albeit unique in sizing and application) will adhere to common traits centered around the use of specific manufacturers, material types, and even location of equipment. All of these items provide assurance that the station can be easily maintained and through familiarity, they provide a level of safety as well. When special districts such as Denver Wastewater Management, Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, Parker Water & Sanitation District, Pinery Water & Wastewater look to establish new standards or revamp their existing standards, Romtec Utilities is there to help.

Romtec Utilities is a design, engineering, and supply firm that specializes in pumping systems across all water types. With a fully staffed team of “in-house” electrical, mechanical, and structural engineers, we provide complete system designs for every project. Not being a distributor for any one product, Romtec Utilities is able to design each system to best match the application. Our flexibility around design allows us to work with all districts across the state from Boxelder Sanitation District and South Fort Collins Sanitation district in the north, all the way to Mesa Water and Pueblo Wastewater in the south. Regardless of the district we can provide complete system designs to match exactly what the district wants in the end. To accompany these system designs, Romtec Utilities will also provide complete written specifications. Standard specifications and drawings are the only way any Colorado clean water or wastewater special district can have the confidence that all systems will be designed, supplied, and constructed according to their standards.

Across the mountainous terrain of Colorado there is an ever-growing need for pumping systems across all water types. With Romtec Utilities specializing in water conveyance, our team is able to work with clean water districts such as the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District and the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District to create standards for clean water booster stations as well as wastewater lift stations for districts like Southgate and Crestview Water & Sanitation District. For each system we are working through all items relative to the system control panel, PLC, programming, valves, piping, pumps, wet well, valve vault, and control buildings or shelters. Romtec Utilities not only has the ability to provide standards drawings and specifications for the pumping system, but through the capabilities of our sister company, Romtec, Inc., we also have the ability to provide the same level of design and documentation around any accompanying control building or control shelter.

Colorado special districts located around Denver, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, Fort Collins, and the rest of the state are constantly searching for the best way to operate and maintain their systems. Working with Romtec Utilities will provide each and every district the opportunity to be directly involved in the standard design process to ensure every aspect is as desired. Our goal with every special district is to provide quality system design standards that provide continuity and every opportunity for them to be successful. For all interim and regional pump station design standards, Romtec Utilities is here to help.