What is a drop bowl and what is it used for?


A drop bowl is an assembly made of PVC and mounting hardware. It appears similar to a funnel or bowl mounted on top of a vertical pipe. The device is mounted to the inside wall of the sump slightly below the inlet pipe. The bowl collects the inflows of water or sewage and diverts the flow to the bottom of the sump. This function helps protect the pumps and other in-well components that could be …

What is a deflector panel and what is it used for?


A deflector panel is made of HDPE panels, stainless steel brackets, and mounting hardware. This panel is attached to the inside of the wet well in front of the inlet pipe. As water flows in, the panel diverts the incoming flow to the bottom of the wet well. High or moderate flows of cascading water can damage the pumps and other in-well system components, but a deflector panel protects these elements by redirecting the inflow. …

What is a barrel gasket?


A barrel gasket is typically an isoprene tube (synthetic rubber) with its own lubrication that is placed between two precast concrete barrels. The gasket helps seal the manhole from water intrusion or leakage at the joints. Barrel gaskets are also made from other materials so that they can be used with different water types and water chemistry. Barrel gaskets are used in conjunction with tape coating and a concrete sealant to seal the joints in …

What information is needed the the design criteria of a pump or lift station?


For typical design criteria, Romtec Utilities requires information about the force main such as whether or not the force main is new or existing, the material of the force main, the force main length and diameter, and finally the force main elevations. Romtec Utilities also requires information about the inlet line such as, elevations and the expected peak flow. A lift station design criteria will also need to specify electrical requirements such as the available …

What information do you need to start a pump station design?


Romtec Utilities needs a few pieces of basic information to begin a preliminary pump station design. The design starts with providing the expected peak inflow in gallons per minute. The second piece of information needed is the calculated total dynamic head or the elevation change across the force main. Along with this information, the overall length and internal diameter of the force main is also needed. Finally, the elevation of the deepest inlet line below …