Restrained flange couplers help connect flanged end pipes to plain end pipes. One end bolts to the flanged pipe and the other has bolts that lock down around the outside of the plain end pipe holding it in place (see figure below). One of the advantages to this kind of adapter is that it can connect a wide variety of pipe types where both pipes are the same material or different materials. You can mix …
What are the advantages of multiple pumps in a pump station?
One advantage is having redundancy within the system. If one pump malfunctions, there is a back-up to keep the system operational. Another advantage to having multiple pumps is the ability to cycle the operation of each pump to reduce wear and allow for maintenance to be conducted during off periods. For cost saving measures, larger pumps can sometimes be replaced with multiple smaller pumps to handle the same amount of flow. This is not always …
What are the advantages of having redundant pumps in a lift station?
Romtec Utilities designs package lift stations with a redundant pump whenever possible. This is because there are several advantages to this type of design. The principal advantage is that if one pump goes offline then the redundant pump can kick on to handle the peak flow of the system. For example, in a duplex system (2 pumps) each pump is capable of pumping the peak flow on its own, hence the redundancy. Another strong advantage …
What are some of the design criteria for odor control design in lift stations?
Odor control has many factors that come into consideration for design. According to Dr. Giancarlo Riva and Anthony Sacco in their article Sewage and Wastewater Odor Control “ Some significant factors in designing odor control systems are: type of odor, odor concentration, temperature, specific ozone dose, contact chamber retention time, waste water acceptability criteria and type of scrubbing (odor control) system”. In lift station odor control other design factors include: wet well size, storage capacity, …
What are some examples of difficult to pump substances that can appear in pump stations?
Animal hair and grease from fryers are two examples of difficult to pump substances. Romtec Utilities has designed lift stations that needed to address these substances. Animal and pet hair is difficult because it as a tendency to clog pumps. Hair from animals does not break down easily, and it tends to wrap around moving parts. Pumps in systems with known levels of animal or pet hair should be serviced several times throughout the year. …