Romtec Utilities can design, supply and construct shelters or control buildings for any lift station or pump station project. These structures can serve a variety of purposes from basic weather protection to housing advanced system controls. No matter what your project goals are, Romtec Utilities can get you the perfect shelter or control building for your pumping system.
Shade Structures

The most basic type of shelter offered by Romtec Utilities is the two-post shelter. The purpose of this small, prefabricated structure is to provide a structural support for the control panel, electrical meter, and additional electric control devices. For these shelters, the panels are designed to handle all types of weather, so the shelter serves principally as a shade structure. In regions where there is frequent sun exposure, panels can sometimes overheat and malfunction. Fans and other devices assist the heat regulation of a control panel, but a shade structure is a nice, affordable addition to help protect the electrical controls from overheating. Shade structures can also be used to secure lighting and other helpful features for maintenance personnel.
Weather Shelters

Weather shelters are a step up from shade structures. These units are prefabricated like the shade structures and are typically constructed of durable steel components. Weather shelters provide all of the benefits of a shade structure, but they also are designed to handle the specified types of inclement weather for your lift station site. This can include scenarios such as rain, wind, snow loading, or all of the above. Weather shelters help give maintenance personnel access to the control devices during extreme weather events. Murphy’s Law would tell most people that when a lift station malfunctions, it does not occur on a clear, 77-degree day. Weather shelters will not only prolong the life of the above-grade components of a pumping system, but they will also be appreciated by personnel accessing the site.
Controls Buildings

The largest shelter structures that Romtec Utilities provides are control buildings. Romtec Utilities supplies complete, durable, concrete block control buildings designed to meet all of the configuration and code requirements of a specific site. These needs can include aspects such as SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), generators, odor control systems, computer/network terminals, and more. Industrial sites, municipalities, and private enterprises typically have a standard configurations for control building. Romtec Utilities can also work with you, your staff, or your engineers to create a design standard as well.
Romtec Utilities has done hundreds of pumping systems with shelters and control buildings. We have the specific expertise necessary to integrate the complete structure with each element of the pumping system to get a fully functional site to meet your goals. Check out our project pages for real pumping systems with these types of structures by checking “control building or shelter” under the System Configuration criteria.