Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority – Meter Vault & Force Main Vault
Project Description
Romtec Utilities completes projects nationwide, offering services to all 50 states and even Canada. Even though projects can be located across the United States, it is always a pleasure for Romtec Utilities to complete a project in our own backyard. The Old Highway 99 Project is located along Old Highway 99, which runs North and South through Roseburg, Oregon. Located just out of Roseburg in Winchester, this project was a terrific opportunity for Romtec Utilities to work with local agencies and contractors to improve a piece of our own community.
Many projects are brought to us by either a municipality or a contractor that has been hired for the project by another agency. In the case of the Old Highway 99 project, R&G Excavating, the contractor hired by David Evans & Associates, brought the project to Romtec Utilities.
The Old Highway 99 project was to replace aging force mains, and Romtec Utilities was able to provide the vaults for the project: a meter vault and a force main vault.
Inside the meter vault are four 14” plug valves and a 14” Endress & Hauser Flowmeter. The flowmeter in this project is a stand-alone flow meter to measure flows and report active pumping rate in gallons per minute, or the total amount of fluid pumped during a specified time period. The flowmeter requires straight pipe before and after the meter, and in some cases, this might not be possible in the force main vault, so an additional vault is required.
The force main vault contains 8” and 14” piping and valves, and 8” and 14” pumping ports; pumping ports are beneficial in a force main because they allow for easy cleaning of the force mains (to remove buildup) and easy bypass in the event of a system failure.
Romtec Utilities is grateful for the opportunity to work with R&G Excavating, I.E. Engineering, David Evans & Associates, and the Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority to bring this project to completion. The vaults provided will be a great benefit to the maintenance of this system, and will ensure that Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority has quick and easy access to the force mains when necessary.
What Romtec Utilities Provided
- Pump Station Design & Engineering
- Package Pump Station Supplier
- Package Pump Station Manufacturer
- On-Site Construction Adviser
- On-Site Start-Up Management