News & Stories from Romtec Utilities

Electrical Equipment
Romtec Utilities provides the design, supply, and installation of many types of odor control devices. There are many wastewater and sewer pumping applications that require odor control. There are also many unique problems that can be handled by odor control devices and several scenarios where using odor controls will benefit the functionality of a lift station. Let’s look at these common scenarios and how odor controls can help. The first scenario where odor controls should
Duplex Valve Vault
Romtec Utilities designs, manufactures, and supplies complete valve assemblies that can be installed above-grade or below grade in a prefabricated concrete vault. Valve assemblies are engineered products, designed for specific water conditions (e.g. wastewater vs. stormwater) and pumping requirements such as flow, dynamic-head, and force main pressure. Getting a good valve assembly involves looking at the design criteria for each application and finding the correct components for that project. Here are a few great benefits
Below Grade Lift Station Rendering
Romtec Utilities uses a single comprehensive document to achieve a number of goals, and our process is continually improving. We only design pumping systems, and our expertise in the design of these systems and the way we document our systems is some of the best in the nation. The Romtec Utilities Scope of Supply and Design Submittal, or SSDS, is an inclusive document for customers, engineers, and private or public reviewing agencies to get from
Onsite Evaluation from Field Technician
Romtec Utilities offers a wide variety of services related to our pump stations, but Romtec Utilities also frequently works on control panels for existing pump stations. As time goes by, control panels can experience a lot of wear and tear and can simply become out-of-date. When these problems arise, control panels may need to be repaired and/or retrofitted. How do you know which option fits your scenario? What is the process for improving a control
A Good Pump Station Site Configuration
Romtec Utilities designs and engineers some of the most sophisticated and reliable pump stations available through a single company. Large pump stations have a lot of components associated with their design, and within these components, there is substantial room for cost savings. One of the most important things we do at Romtec Utilities is to try to help customers understand how to save money on pump stations, and one of the best ways to understand

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