When do I know if I need explosion proof pumps?


Typically the type of water and the classification of the space are the main factors in deciding when to use explosion proof pumps. In the majority of wastewater applications, explosion proof pumps are preferred so that gases coming off the water cannot trigger an explosion. Industrial water applications can also require explosion proof pumps, such as with oily water, chemical water, cleaning water, and more. With clean water and most stormwater scenarios, explosion proof pumps …

What pump brands or manufacturers do you offer?


Romtec Utilities is not affiliated with any single pump manufacturer. Romtec Utilities offers all major pump brands on our complete, site specific lift stations. If you have a specific preference or standard, Romtec Utilities will be sure to use that pump manufacturer in our design and engineering services.

What is the difference between a chopper pump and a grinder pump?


A chopper pump has a sharpened edge on the impeller which acts as a chopper as solids come through the pump. The impeller is mounted against a static bar that creates a scissoring action by which the impeller chops large solids against the bar into a size that can travel through the volute and out the discharge piping. A grinder pump does not allow any solid to pass through the volute and out the discharge …

What is a jockey pump?


A jockey pump is normally a smaller pump that fits into a lift station to handle nuisance flow or, possibly, small constant flows. Lift stations are designed to meet the peak flow that the system could see, but this can lead to a system that is way over-designed for the flow seen 99% of the time. For example, a lift station could be designed to handle all the stormwater from a housing development during a …

What are the disadvantages of surface mounted pumps?


Surface mounted pumps present disadvantages when designed into a lift station. The main disadvantage is that the pumps are at grade, making them visible, unprotected, and un-muffled. Depending on the location of the site, the visibility and noise the pumps create could become a big issue. If the lift station was designed to service a large subdivision, the nearby houses could be affected by the noise of the pumps and/or generator starting up and running, …