Romtec Utilities works with engineering firms, both large and small, to design, integrate, deliver, and construct new pumping systems into a bigger project. Engineering firms typically have the capabilities to design pumping systems in-house, but Romtec Utilities brings expertise specifically related to these types of systems from a design standpoint, supply components, construction/installation, and operation & maintenance. The experience that Romtec Utilities provides for all types of pumping systems can be a great asset for an engineering firm to get a system integrated into their complete site designs.
Engineering firms can work on projects that require either public or private approval. Romtec Utilities is consistently successful at getting pump and lift station designs approved through both private and public approval processes and through any department or organization. Each project starts by understanding the pumping requirements, water type, and site conditions for the project. Romtec Utilities uses this information to preliminarily design a pump or lift station that is located on a site plan and integrated into a larger project.

For projects that require public approval like commercial developments, Romtec Utilities works with the engineering firm and the municipal reviewers to finalize a design that meets all pumping requirements, regulations, and design standards. This process gives every engineering firm a pump or lift station that will meet public approval and function correctly within the overall engineering project. Romtec Utilities engineers the complete pumping system including control buildings, odor control systems, and all other types of considerations to meet the specific standards of each public agency.
Romtec Utilities operates through a similar procedure on projects that don’t require the same public approval process such as for industrial facilities. The pump or lift station is first designed to meet the best practices for the site and application. For these types of systems, it is particularly important to design the pumping system and all of its components to be completely integrated into the facility. Private facilities also have more control to dictate the overall price of the system, and Romtec Utilities works to meet the specific pumping requirement within the preferred budget. Romtec Utilities also makes sure that private pump and lift stations are designed to be permitted by building departments and state DEQ agencies.

During the design phase of pump and lift station projects, Romtec Utilities works with engineering firms, but after the system is approved, Romtec Utilities continues to work to complete the project through start-up and warranty. Typically, approved lift station designs are awarded to a contractor or installed by Romtec Utilities. When this happens, Romtec Utilities manufactures the complete pumping system and schedules all delivery, construction, and start-up activities. Through this process, Romtec Utilities uses in-house technicians to advise each step onsite. This ensures that the schedule is met to keep the pump or lift station construction and the larger project on schedule.
The final step to every project is the start-up of the pumping system. A Romtec Utilities technician starts-up the pumps for the first time and tests the complete system, including control devices, alarms, and additional components. During the scheduled start-up, the end system owners will have representation to be trained in the complete operation of the pump or lift station. The Romtec Utilities technician will also provide complete system operation and maintenance documentation and warranty the system. This is typically the final step to transfer ownership of the pumping system to the public agency or private owner.

Romtec Utilities has worked with engineering firms of all sizes and skillsets, from civil engineers to chemical engineers. On most projects, the experience and expertise of Romtec Utilities helps engineers get pumping systems for their clients that are designed, supplied, and constructed to meet all requirements and design standards. These services and capabilities solve a small but potentially tricky area for engineering firms working on larger development or construction projects. Contact Romtec Utilities today to learn more about how our pumping systems can work for any engineering firm or project.