The Romtec Utilities start-up technician follows a Field Start-Up Report that is configured to each specific system. Our technician will typically run through these assessments before starting-up the lift station: Structural/Mechanical Construction, Electrical Construction and Connections, Water Availability, Pump and Pump Control Data, Communication Equipment, Physical Inspections, Back-Up Power Generator (if applicable), Pre-Start-Up Pump Electrical Checks, Operational Checks, Draw Down Test, Pressure Readings, Primary and Secondary Level Sensing.
What components make up a standard wet well configuration?
A typical sump or wet well will include the concrete or fiberglass barrels; an access hatch; an inlet line (piping) with a deflector panel or drop bowl; the pumps, guide rails, elbows, and discharge piping; and the level sensing devices.
What are some examples of difficult to pump substances that can appear in pump stations?
Animal hair and grease from fryers are two examples of difficult to pump substances. Romtec Utilities has designed lift stations that needed to address these substances. Animal and pet hair is difficult because it as a tendency to clog pumps. Hair from animals does not break down easily, and it tends to wrap around moving parts. Pumps in systems with known levels of animal or pet hair should be serviced several times throughout the year. …