Retrofit Systems
Romtec Utilities begins a repair or retrofit package by gathering information about what aspects of a pump station are going to be replaced or retained. From there, a plan is engineered to supply the correct hardware and to integrate the new equipment with the existing elements. A repair or retrofit design provides a complete scope of the work to be done and a detailed list of the new and existing components.
A complete repair or retrofit design allows Romtec Utilities to manufacture a specific package adapted to each customer’s equipment needs and pumping requirements. This ensures that the supply package for each repair and retrofit project is accurate, effective, and economical. Every piece of equipment in the Romtec Utilities supply package carries a warrantee and an operations and maintenance manual to assure the long-term effectiveness of the repair or retrofit.
An accurate design and supply package creates a flexible installation scenario for the customer. With the complete design documents, the installation of our package can be customer supplied, contracted, or purchased through Romtec Utilities. This flexibility allows customers to integrate a repair or retrofit package into an active project or to quickly find options when addressing an unexpected pump station concern.
Typical Retrofit Applications:
Retrofit Scenarios
- Municipal Wastewater Lift Stations
- Industrial Wastewater Pump Stations
- Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations
- Booster Stations
- Stormwater Pump Stations
- Pumping Skids
- Valve Vault Assemblies
- Meter Vault Assemblies
- Grind Vault Assemblies
- Top Slabs/Hatches
- Control Panels
- Electrical Assemblies
Flow Ranges
- Low Flow Lift Stations (5 – 50 gpm)
- Medium Flow Lift Stations (50 – 400 gpm)
- High Flow Lift Stations (400 – 1500 gpm)
- Super high flow Lift Stations (1500 – 10000+ gpm)
- Simplex Pump Configuration
- Duplex Pump Configuration
- Triplex Pump Configuration
- Self-Priming Pump Configuration
- Jockey Pump Configuration
- Submersible Pump Configuration
- Inline Turbine Pump Configuration
- Split-Case Lift Station
- Wet-Dry Configuration
- Grinder Pump Configuration
- Chopper Pump Configuration
- Solids Handling Pump Configuration
- Centrifugal Pump Configuration
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