What is an example of an odor control system?


One example of an odor control system is a chemical feed system which will allow any number of chemicals to feed into the wet well of a pump station. This chemical feed can be a time controlled feed, a manually adjusted drip feed, or an automated rate fed into the force main. This system allows for the usage of a number of chemicals to achieve the desired odor reduction, as well as minimizing the formation …

What are the main types of odor control and how might one choose between them?


Odor control can be broken down into two main categories: 1) Eliminating odor in the air 2) Changing the chemistry of the water to keep the water from going septic. There advantages and disadvantages to both types of odor control. For example, simply treating the air in the system may be more economical for the lift station customer but many treatment plants wont except the septic water without treatment. The treatment plant may not have …

What are the four types of odor control technologies?


Most odor control systems can be classified into one of four categories. These categories include Chemical Adsorption, Biological Oxidation, Chemical Scrubbing, and Combined Technologies. Below is a brief description of each category. Further explanation on each type can be found in their corresponding individual FAQs. Adsorption: Adsorption is the adherence of ions/molecules, gas, liquid, or dissolved material to the surface of a solid. It is also the adherence of ions from an aqueous solution to …

What are some of the design criteria for odor control design in lift stations?


Odor control has many factors that come into consideration for design. According to Dr. Giancarlo Riva and Anthony Sacco in their article Sewage and Wastewater Odor Control “ Some significant factors in designing odor control systems are: type of odor, odor concentration, temperature, specific ozone dose, contact chamber retention time, waste water acceptability criteria and type of scrubbing (odor control) system”. In lift station odor control other design factors include: wet well size, storage capacity, …

What are some common measurements of odor/odor intensity?


There are four common methods of expressing the intensity/concentration of odor within a system. These are the Perceptibility Threshold (ATC: Absolute Threshold Concentration), Odor Number (TON: Threshold Odor Number), Maximum Exposure Concentration (TVL: Threshold Limit Value), and Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC). A description about each can be found below:Perceptibility Threshold (ATC): ATC is the minimum concentration that is detectable by 100% (some cases only up to 50%) of persons participating in a sense of smell …