Romtec Utilities is a design, engineering, and manufacturing company that specializes in complete, site-specific, package pumping stations. We design complete systems for the following major water types: wastewater, stormwater, industrial process water, clean water, and booster stations.
Our fully staffed in-house engineering team specializes solely on the structural, mechanical, electrical, and communication design of pump stations. With that expertise, Romtec can quickly take a pump station project from conceptual (design criteria) to full design (complete plans).

Vaughan Company Pumps – Unmatched Reliability
When supplying the pump stations we design, we work with vendors like Vaughan Company who make Pumps which are known for being the “Toughest Pumps on the Planet”.
Based in Montesano, WA Vaughan’s motto is “Built First. Built To Last.” Their unmatched reliability has always been at the forefront of their company since they began making their industry leading pumps in 1960.
Vaughan uses the toughest materials on their pumps including ductile iron, hardened steel, high chrome iron, 316 stainless steel, and CD4MCu hardened stainless steel.
The Vaughan Chopper Pump is their centrifugal pump that has the unique ability to chop all incoming solids while pumping.
The durability and high-level of performance that Vaughan Company pumps provide match seamlessly with the Romtec Utilities package pump station. The flow rates on their pumps range from 50 to 12,000 GPM.

Understanding Project Requirements First
Romtec Utilities works to understand the requirements of the project first. Once understood we then propose a complete package pump system that includes the appropriate Vaughan pump as well as all aspects of the structural, mechanical, electrical and control and communications design.
Romtec Utilities provides calculations and sizing to determine the optimal pump sizing, flow rate, TDH (total dynamic head), and phasing. That includes working with Vaughan to develop the pump selection and sizing to ensure the system is configured correctly to meet the design requirements.
We can specify the use of Vaughan Pumps on a variety of projects for private, public, or commercial use.

Collaboration Creates a Better Outcome
The collaboration between Romtec Utilities and Vaughan Company assures that the pumps are incorporated into the correct pump station design and application. This leads to reduced warranty issues and the most cost-effective solution to meet the needs of the project and owner.
With Romtec, the pumps will be selected for the appropriate pump station design and then verified by Romtec (with reports) that it is operating per the design at commissioning.
Romtec Utilities has completed a variety of successful pump stations projects that feature Vaughan pumps including: University of Washington Husky Stadium, City of El Centro, Trammell Crow Developments, City of Port Orchard, UC Merced, City of Santa Paula, City of Wenatchee, Stevens Pass Ski Resort, and several others.
Working with the Vaughan Company and their industry leading pumps has been an integral part of Romtec Utilities design and supply of successful package pump stations across the United States.