Welcome to Part One of an eight part blog series about Romtec Utilities’ package lift stations for industrial stormwater applications. This blog series is intended to put a spotlight on companies that Romtec Utilities has recently worked with to recognize their efforts in managing stormwater environmentally conscientiously. It will also demonstrate the unique skill and understanding Romtec Utilities brings to the design, supply, and installation of stormwater pump stations for industrial applications.
Industrial stormwater awareness began in 1973 with the passage of the Federal Clean Water Act, which established the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), a division of the EPA. Initially, the central focus was sewage overflow and containment systems. Sewage is as unpleasant as it is unsanitary, creating a justifiable concern. Environmental concerns for chemical and debris runoff did not fully enter the stormwater picture until the 1990 Stormwater Amendments of the Clean Water Act.
There are two components of the 1990 amendments that play an important role in today’s stormwater management. Stormwater management systems must include the best available technology (BAT) and best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT) to maximize economically feasible pollution management. While this is not an exact definition, today’s marketplace reveals that BAT and BCT are economically maximized with stormwater pump stations, and Romtec Utilities’ packaged approach is one of the fastest, most reliable, and most affordable options available.
The technology behind stormwater pump stations is fairly simple to understand. As a stormwater event – rain – occurs at an industrial site, the water flows to lower elevations while collecting contaminants and debris. The goal is to direct the water to the lowest point of the facility and collect it. From the collection point, the stormwater can be pumped or transported to treatment. While the theory is simple, the engineering and design of these systems is sophisticated.
For most industrial managers, sophisticated systems are a part of day-to-day operations. They understand the importance of utilizing industry experts to manufacture and operate their systems. That is why Romtec Utilities makes such a valuable partner on industrial stormwater projects. Our expertise in lift stations and pumping systems allows our engineers to customize stormwater systems around the technical capabilities and staff of the customer.
From Romtec Utilities, an industrial client receives a packaged pump station with full documentation that is tailored to the customer’s objectives and abilities. Our expert documentation provides a clear outline of the project including a breakdown of the supply and installation procedure. This is how industrial clients meet BAT and BCT requirements while saving large amounts of money.
The end result is a fully integrated and technologically superior stormwater pump station that helps industrial customers to meet their environmental goals. While many industrial facilities, especially those in oil and gas, carry a stigma of being adversaries to the environment, all of the projects in this eight part blog series are terrific examples of industrial facility managers going above and beyond regulations to manage stormwater responsibly. The first project up is the nearly completed Ajax Gas Plant in Texas. Check in next week to see a modern stormwater plan in action.