Sealed and non-sealed plug valves each accomplish the same function in the system, but site layout and price can determine which type is used in the design. Site layout determines whether a valve vault is even a possibility. Valve vaults take up space, and some project sites do not allow for much construction outside the wet well. When a valve vault is not feasible, plug valves are located in the ground outside of the wet …
What are the advantages of restrained flange couplers?
Restrained flange couplers help connect flanged end pipes to plain end pipes. One end bolts to the flanged pipe and the other has bolts that lock down around the outside of the plain end pipe holding it in place (see figure below). One of the advantages to this kind of adapter is that it can connect a wide variety of pipe types where both pipes are the same material or different materials. You can mix …
Do you offer flow metering with your lift station?
Yes, Romtec Utilities offers a wide variety of different option for flow metering of any water type. Romtec Utilities can provide physical flow metering in a precast concrete meter vault, which senses and records the actual water passing through the discharge piping. Romtec Utilities can also offer a control panel that can provide calculated flow rates, which uses the specified pumping rate in gallons per minute and the time of operation to calculate the flow.
Are check valves necessary on each discharge line?
Yes, having a check valve on each discharge line is very important. The check valves keep the liquid that is being pumped from flowing back into the wet well through the pumps. The check valve can either be installed in the wet well or in a separate vault.
Why should I include a pumping port in my lift station?
A pumping port provides a tie-in to the force main in case there is a problem with the lift station that causes the wet well to fill to capacity. This allows for an emergency mobile pumping system to drop in to the wet well and pump the inflow to the existing force main. The pumping port is located downstream of the check valve in either a valve vault or a separate enclosure. The check valve …
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