Installing an Ameron Liner
Precast concrete components, such as wet wells or manholes, have the potential to encounter corrosive elements in water. There are several methods of protecting concrete components for particular site specific conditions. Corrosive elements are typically known when dealing with a specific water type or circumstance. Hydrogen Sulfide is typically a byproduct in wastewater –especially in hotter climates, while industrial water processing can be caustic or acidic. All of these instances can severely shorten the life cycle for concrete components if the concrete is not protected.
Ameron T-Lock
This PVC material is applied during the prefabrication of the concrete. The PVC surface is smooth on the side that will face the water. The “T” shaped ribs on the backside allow the material to actually be cast into the concrete. After a wet well or vault structure is installed, a certified technician will enter the structure and weld Ameron patches or “boots” over and around each seam, joint, or penetration. This lining creates a chemically resistant, impervious surface over the complete inside of the wet well or vault structure.
Tnemec offers a wide variety of spray-on or roll-on coatings and linings, from epoxy to vinyl-ester. The selection of a particular Tnemec product will depend on the water chemistry, substrate, and equipment available for applying the coating. Tnemec products are good to use because of the breadth of the products they offer. This allows a customer to specify very precise conditions and be confident that Tnemec will have a product capable of meeting the criteria.

Tnemec Interior Coating
Raven Linings offer comparable products to Tnemec but without quite the same breadth. Raven Linings are suitable for various water types, substrates, and methods of application. Raven Lining provides a lot of documentation for meeting different industry and certification standards from quality assurance organizations. This support has led to Raven Lining becoming the standard for some municipal districts.
Ultimate Linings
Ultimate Linings primarily use a spray-on or roll-on coating made of a polyurea elastomer. This material sets-up quickly and provides an impervious surface that is highly resistant to off-gassing and abrasions. The coating also resists solvents, caustics, mild acids, and wide ranges of temperature changes. It can be applied to a number of common substrates beyond precast concrete components.
There are numerous companies available that provide coatings and linings, and Romtec Utilities will provide any product a customer specifies. The products listed here are typical examples of coatings and linings that Romtec Utilities will recommend because they are available through established and trustworthy companies who provide excellent documentation and product qualifications. Contact Romtec Utilities today if you want to talk about other options for coatings and linings or if you have any questions about these products.
Comments 1
Interested in lining product for wastewater pump station.
Tim Madhanagopal
407- 386-2615