A second lift station was added shortly after the plans for the Chobani , Inc. manufacturing facility revealed larger flows of wastewater. Similar to the first, this lift station uses two submersible centrifugal pumps to discharge effluent to a pre-treatment facility. The force main length to the pre-treatment facility created low head conditions with medium pumping flows. The system valves are integrated into the discharge pumping to simplify the design and lower the cost, and a simple wall mounted control panel provides uncomplicated system controls.
Culbertson Power Plant|Culbertson, CA|100 GPM - 25' TDH
This power generation facility installed a package lift station designed for medium sewage flows of industrial wastewater. To protect the submersible solids-handling pumps, an inlet line deflector panel was included in the design. The wet well was protected from off-gassing and corrosion by an interlocking fiberglass lining. Conductive probes are used for primary and backup liquid level-sensing with an outdoor UL listed control panel. The panel is outfitted with a basic alarm and an autodialer for telecommunications.
USDA Fire District|Bechwourth, CA|50 GPM - 70' TDH
This lift station was designed to meet the low sewage flow requirements of a municipal lift station that would also serve new construction and commercial buildings. Submersible cutter pumps in a duplex configuration and an inlet-line drop bowl provide reliable pumping capabilities, and a separate below-grade valve assembly holds the system valves. A sheltered alternator panel with a basic alarm manages the mechanical and electrical system controls. Liquid level-sensing is managed by float controls wired for intrinsically safe.
U.S. Army Base|Fort Lewis, WA|100 GPM - 10' TDH
This package lift station in Fort Lewis was configured to meet the medium flow requirements for a federal industrial process system with stormwater to treatment. Submersible centrifugal pumps are protected from turbulence by a drop bowl. A below-grade concrete electrical vault holds the disconnect panel and electrical connections. A drain-pipe allows this vault to double as a stormwater drain for the area around the lift station. An outdoor UL listed control panel includes a basic alarm, floats for liquid level-sensing, and a NEMA rated enclosure.
Residential Development Wastewater Lift Station for City of Salinas, CA
50 GPM
17.4′ TDH
This lift station was designed to meet the low sewage flow requirements of a municipal lift station for a new residential development. The duplex pump configuration, solids-handling pumps, and inlet-line drop bowl provide suitable preventative measures for a reliable and long-term wastewater lift station. The controller is a PLC type designed with a pressure transducer for primary level sensing and a two float system for backup. The entire electrical was configured for Ethernet communication and alarm notification output to an existing SCADA system.