To extend the sewer system for Crescent City in Del Norte County, this sewage lift station was added to a new gravity line and force main. Duplex submersible chopper pumps pump the sewage to an existing gravity line and on to treatment. An easy-to-access below grade valve assembly contains the check and plug valves. An outdoor PLC panel is connected to a customer-supplied generator and is also protected by a customer-supplied shelter. Primary liquid level sensing is by a pressure transducer with floats as a backup.
Seattle Parks and Recreation|Seattle, WA|145 GPM - 20.8' TDH
A renovation of South Lake Union Park required a package lift station configured to meet the medium sewage flow requirements for a municipal and commercial wastewater system. Submersible solids handling pumps in a duplex configuration are protected from turbulence and cascading influent by a drop bowl. A separate below-grade valve vault holds the valves, gauges, indicators, and actuators. A UL listed control panel utilizes float controls for primary and backup liquid level-sensing and is housed in a nearby control building.
The City of Oakland|Oakland, CA|1,339 GPM - 21.9' TDH
This municipal water district replaced an existing lift station with this packaged lift station designed for the high sewage flow requirements. 15 hp submersible sewage pumps discharges to a below grade valve assembly, which includes valves, actuators, indicators, and access ports. The outdoor control panel utilizes a pressure transducer for primary liquid level sensing and float controls for backup. The panel also includes soft starters to reduce the inrush current, which can sap the onsite generator during pump starts.
The City of St. Helena|St. Helena, CA|254 GPM - 49.5' TDH
This municipal lift station in the Napa Valley was designed to handle medium sewage flows and medium head conditions. Flygt sewer pumps were supplied in a duplex configuration to integrate with the Tops Basin and discharge elbows. The complete structural components of this lift station were designed to finish two feet above-grade to be above the flood plain for the area. A proprietary control device and pressure transducer provide the system electrical controls.
The City of Wenatchee|Wenatchee, WA|375 GPM - 125' TDH
This municipal lift station replacement was configured to handle medium flows of sewage from a large area of Wenatchee, Washington. This deep wet well was constructed from precast concrete and includes Tnemec interior coating. Vaughan Chopper Pumps in a duplex configuration were selected to macerate solids and alternate pumping cycles. A PLC with a touchscreen interface provides an easy and flexible control panel. The primary level-sensing device is a pressure transducer with floats backup level-sensing. This control panel also uses soft starters to reduce current inrush to the 30 hp pumps.