Romtec Utilities ended up doing three total industrial systems for this project: an Oil Water Separator, a Hot Sump Basin, and a Wash Drains Basin.
Data Center Lift Station in Hillsboro, Oregon
Navix Engineering reached out to Romtec Utilities looking for assistance with the design of a wastewater lift station for T5 data centers.
Wastewater Lift Station for the University of Portland
Romtec Utilities worked on the replacement of a lift station needed for the 4 separate new facilities which will feed into this lift station.
Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade - City of Los Angeles
The owner of this project was upgrading an existing Waste Management facility with a large stormwater pump station.
Wastewater Pump Station Upgrade - City of Los Angeles
This project involves upgrading an existing waste management facility which has a large stormwater and smaller wastewater pump station.