The City of Los Angeles needed to construct a new 54” force main to increase sewer capacity and add redundancy to an existing 48” force main at Marina del Rey.
Port of Portland|Portland, OR|18,140 GPM - 10.62' TDH
The Portland International Airport (PDX) needed a very large pump station to discharge high volumes of stormwater to a runoff creek from one of its runways.
Kings Mountain Energy Center|Kings Mountain, NC|480 GPM - 35' TDH
A new HRSG system required 3 industrial pump stations to provide water for its processes. This HRSG blowdown pump station needed to handle extreme pumping conditions.
Manchester|Port Orchard, WA|195-265 GPM - 21'-37' TDH
Romtec Utilities provided 3 wastewater lift stations for Manchester Residential Area outside of Seattle, WA.
Clear Creek Tahoe|Carson City, NV|99 - 165 GPM - 224.7' - 267' TDH
The new residential development at Clear Creek Tahoe needed two new wastewater lift stations. The location of the development has many elevation changes and to successfully pump the sewage off to treatment, two lift stations were necessary.