Milan Federal Prison|Milan, MI|125 GPM - 22' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Central, Prisons/Detention Centers, Pumping Skids, Replacements & Retrofits, Retrofits, Wastewater

Two skid-mounted lift station systems retrofitted two existing stations for medium sewage flows at this federal correctional facility. Preassembled above-grade skids with Pioneer self-priming pumps in duplex configurations drop suction piping into the existing sumps to pump effluent to the existing force mains.

Groton Power Plant|Groton, SD|130 GPM - 45' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Central, High Temperatures, HRSG Blowdown, HRSG Pumping, Industrial, Industrial Water, Power Generation, Process Water

The Groton Generating Station needed this package lift station to pump clean water as a part of its power generating processes from natural gas. The submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration meet the pumping requirements for this facility and discharge the water to parallel force mains.

Oxy Petroleum Refinery|Bakersfield, CA|200 GPM - 115' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, High Temperatures, HRSG Blowdown, HRSG Pumping, Industrial, Industrial Water, Pacific, Power Generation, Process Water, Water Reuse

This package pump station was configured to meet the medium flow requirements for this clean water power generation process and reuse system. The system has a large precast-concrete rectangular sump with a barrier wall –or weir wall- to reduce turbulence for the pumps.