Adapting to the rising numbers of students seeking a higher education, UC Merced expanded their campus, and needed a wastewater lift station to accommodate new mixed-use residence halls.
City of Santa Paula | Santa Paula, CA
Romtec Utilities often supplies lift stations for new developments. In the Harvest at Limoneira project, a new residential development in Santa Paula, California, was in need of a wastewater lift station with a large wet well.
Santa Ana Delhi | Orange County, CA
The Mt. Rose Pump Station is a wastewater lift station in Reno, Nevada. This project was brought to Romtec Utilities by Stantec to develop the scope and configuration of the lift station. Ultimately, Romtec Utilities was used as the basis of design. At the time of bid, Romtec provided this complete pumping system to the contractor, KG Walters, and to the Truckee Meadows Water Authority.
The City of Carpinteria | Caprpenteria, CA | 87 GPM - 158.8' TDH
An upscale beachside community in California needed this medium flow wastewater lift station to replace septic systems used at each home. To meet the requirements of the beachside location, this system includes Ameron T-Lock PVC lining on both a precast concrete sump and emergency overflow basin. A below-grade vault contains the system’s valve and meter assemblies. Large bluffs between the beach and the city treatment plant required super-high head submersible pumps. The system electrical controls comprise redundant controls and level sensing with SCADA integration.
TVA Power Plant|West Paducah, KY|50 GPM - 67.7' TDH
This industrial power plant needed a package lift station to meet the requirements for municipal wastewater. The 23-foot-deep sump holds duplex Goulds submersible sewage pumps specified to meet the 50 gpm maximum flow requirements. A precast concrete valve vault contains the system valves and a force main junction. Both the below-grade wet well and valve vault are pedestrian rated. Liquid level-sensing controls are a pressure transducer and floats for backup. The outdoor control panel includes a receptacle for an owner supplied onsite generator.