The Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority needed a new lift station to handle medium flows of sewage from a residential neighborhood. This precast concrete wet well is a deep well for sewer, going nearly 30 feet below grade.
Manchester|Port Orchard, WA|195-265 GPM - 21'-37' TDH
Romtec Utilities provided 3 wastewater lift stations for Manchester Residential Area outside of Seattle, WA.
City of Shafter|Shafter, CA|350 GPM - 19.6' TDH
The City of Shafter in California needed a new sewer lift station to replace an existing system with out-of-date components.
City of Bakersfield | Bakersfield, CA | 825 GPM - 26.1' TDH
A residential neighborhood in Bakersfield, California needed to upgrade an existing Romtec Utilities lift station to keep up with increasing sewer flows. To meet the higher flow requirements, Romtec Utilities upgraded the existing 7.5 hp pumps to 12 HP Flygt submersible pumps in a duplex configuration.
City of El Centro|El Centro, CA|850 GPM - 30' TDH
The City of El Centro in California needed to replace an existing lift station that had been in service for over 40 years. The new system needed to handle high flows of wastewater from the county jail and from several residential developments in the area.