This power generation facility installed a package lift station designed for medium sewage flows of industrial wastewater. To protect the submersible solids-handling pumps, an inlet line deflector panel was included in the design. The wet well was protected from off-gassing and corrosion by an interlocking fiberglass lining. Conductive probes are used for primary and backup liquid level-sensing with an outdoor UL listed control panel. The panel is outfitted with a basic alarm and an autodialer for telecommunications.
Pleasant Valley RV Park|Williston, ND|844 GPM - 38' TDH
A residential boom town of employees from nearby natural gas mining facilities needed a large lift station to handle over 1.2 MGD of wastewater. Submersible Ebara sewage pumps in a triplex configuration were included for the new and future pumping rates resulting from residential growth. The lift station controls are located in a nearby control building. The UL listed control panel utilizes floats for primary and backup level controls, an autodialer for communications, and a permanent onsite generator for backup power.
The City of Laguna Beach|Laguna Beach, CA|600 GPM - 77' TDH
This high flow wet/dry lift station replacement was installed “in the sand” of Main Beach with three dry pit pumps in a 26-feet-deep precast rectangular vault. Triplex split case pumps, sump pumps, an intake/exhaust fan, lights, valves, stairs, and a mezzanine were all provided in the package. The Allen Bradley PLC control panel, flow transmitter, and junction box are located in a control building. Sophisticated SCADA, 3 levels of redundancy, auxiliary power, and an HDPE wet well are all primary components of this package lift station.
Green Sanitary District | Roseburg, OR | 150 GPM - 56.8' TDH
A large book distribution center required the local municipal agency to install this package wastewater lift station. The force main was installed via a horizontally drilled hole to the exact elevation of the wet well connection. The submersible solids handling pumps are explosion proof to meet the hazardous area classifications for this lift station. A sheltered PLC control panel contains an intrinsically safe barrier to also meet the hazardous area requirements. The panel utilizes a pressure transducer and floats for primary and backup level-sensing controls.
CCA Prison|Pahrump, NV|836 GPM - 72' TDH
These four package lift stations were designed to meet the high sewage flows of this commercial prison for municipal wastewater standards. Solids-handling pumps in a duplex configuration are aided by an effluent mixer designed to agitate solids inmates put into the system. A dual compartment, below-grade valve assembly holds the complete system valves and flow meters. The PLC panel is tied-in to an onsite generator for emergency backup power. A SCADA system handles liquid level sensing with a pressure transducer and floats for backup.