Microsoft Corporation|Quincy, WA|180 GPM - 40' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Data Center Cooling Waste, Data Centers, Pacific, Wastewater

This package lift station was configured to meet the medium sewage flow requirements of a commercial wastewater system. This was the first of four lift stations supplied to Microsoft’s 70-acre data center. Aircraft rated hatches are included for each lift station to handle heavy forklift traffic. Outside the sump, two valve cans provide access to the below-grade check valves. An outdoor UL listed control panel utilizes an intrinsically safe barrier for in-well electrical controls and utilizes float controls for liquid level-sensing.

Microsoft Corporation|Quincy, WA|120 GPM - 60' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Data Center Cooling Waste, Data Centers, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Wastewater

To handle a combination of sewer and cooling process wastewater, this commercial facility purchased four identical Romtec Utilities package lift stations. This was the third of four lift stations supplied to Microsoft’s 70-acre data center. Aircraft rated hatches are included for each lift station to handle heavy forklift traffic. Valve cans provide easy access to the below grade check valves with much less material costs than a valve vault. An outdoor UL listed control panel includes floats for level controls and an intrinsically safe barrier for in-well electrical controls.

Green Sanitary District

Green Sanitary District | Roseburg, OR | 150 GPM - 56.8' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Collection Systems, Control Buildings Shelters, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Wastewater

A large book distribution center required the local municipal agency to install this package wastewater lift station. The force main was installed via a horizontally drilled hole to the exact elevation of the wet well connection. The submersible solids handling pumps are explosion proof to meet the hazardous area classifications for this lift station. A sheltered PLC control panel contains an intrinsically safe barrier to also meet the hazardous area requirements. The panel utilizes a pressure transducer and floats for primary and backup level-sensing controls.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Municipal Utility District | Sacramento, CA | 172 GPM - 94' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Detention Pond Pumping, Detention Ponds, Flood Control, Inlet Outlet Structures, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Stormwater Runoff, Wastewater

The newly constructed headquarters for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District purchased this package lift station to meet its medium sewage flow requirements. Submersible solids-handling pumps in a duplex configuration were specified in a deep well because this facility represents one of the ten largest public utilities in the country.

Milan Federal Prison|Milan, MI|125 GPM - 22' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Central, Prisons/Detention Centers, Pumping Skids, Replacements & Retrofits, Retrofits, Wastewater

Two skid-mounted lift station systems retrofitted two existing stations for medium sewage flows at this federal correctional facility. Preassembled above-grade skids with Pioneer self-priming pumps in duplex configurations drop suction piping into the existing sumps to pump effluent to the existing force mains.