The Mossy Creek project is a wastewater lift station for a new development to support the Cache Creek Casino Resort.
City of Vancouver | Vancouver, WA | 272 GPM - 161.3' TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to provide a package wastewater lift station for Columbia Palisades, a mixed-use development in Vancouver, Washington. This large development project by Airpark Development will transform 84-acres of an old rock quarry into an urban neighborhood with residential units, commercial spaces, and offices.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|
The Indian Springs Resort was required to add a geothermal flow meter vault to send its used spring water to treatment at the City of Calistoga.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|6,800 GPM - 15.7' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed a new pump station designed to handle high flows of stormwater runoff from a collection storm drain.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|78 GPM - 11.6' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed two new lift stations designed to pump medium flows of sanitary sewer and wastewater to municipal treatment.