This project involves upgrading an existing waste management facility which has a large stormwater and smaller wastewater pump station.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - Sanitary Lift Station
Romtec Utilities developed a complete fiberglass pump station package that saves on weight and space for shipment to Cuba to be owned and operated by the US Navy.
City of Portland, Oregon - Wastewater Pump System
The Halsey 28 apartments needed a new wastewater pump system as part of the project which Romtec Utilities designed and supplied.
City of Riverside, CA - Wastewater Pump Station
The California Air Resource Board (CARB) needed a wastewater pump station for their new facility being built in Riverside.
Phased Lift Station | Ridgefield, WA | 350 GPM - 50.6' TDH
Romtec Utilities worked with Rotschy, Inc. to supply a phased lift station for the Seton Pump Station project.