Walmart in Gardnerville, Nevada

Walmart|Gardnerville, NV|1,300 GPM - 23.4' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Detention Ponds, Pacific, Parking Lot Drainage, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff

A new Walmart Supercenter required this package stormwater pump station to handle runoff from its large impervious parking lot. A good sized detention basin collects the runoff water during a storm event, including from surrounding properties. Ebara submersible pumps then empty the detention pond at a high flow rate through just 45’ of force main into a gravity line that flows to treatment. An outdoor UL listed control panel includes float controls for primary and backup liquid level-sensing and a basic alarm for communications.

Green Sanitary District

Green Sanitary District | Roseburg, OR | 150 GPM - 56.8' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Collection Systems, Control Buildings Shelters, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Wastewater

A large book distribution center required the local municipal agency to install this package wastewater lift station. The force main was installed via a horizontally drilled hole to the exact elevation of the wet well connection. The submersible solids handling pumps are explosion proof to meet the hazardous area classifications for this lift station. A sheltered PLC control panel contains an intrinsically safe barrier to also meet the hazardous area requirements. The panel utilizes a pressure transducer and floats for primary and backup level-sensing controls.

CCA Prison|Pahrump, NV|836 GPM - 72' TDH

jweddell500gpm - 1,000gpm, Pacific, Prisons/Detention Centers, Wastewater

These four package lift stations were designed to meet the high sewage flows of this commercial prison for municipal wastewater standards. Solids-handling pumps in a duplex configuration are aided by an effluent mixer designed to agitate solids inmates put into the system. A dual compartment, below-grade valve assembly holds the complete system valves and flow meters. The PLC panel is tied-in to an onsite generator for emergency backup power. A SCADA system handles liquid level sensing with a pressure transducer and floats for backup.

The Marke Luxury Apartments

The Marke Luxury Apartments|Santa Ana, CA|3,591 GPM - 24.8' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, 100-Year Storm, Mixed Use, Pacific, Stormwater, Stormwater Featured, Stormwater Runoff

This stormwater pump station was designed to handle variable flows of stormwater runoff. The typical stormwater expectations called for low flow pumping, but this pump station needed to handle high flows as well. Two different sizes of submersible centrifugal pumps were used; a 7.5 hp pump and a 25 hp pump. The pumps required differently sized discharge piping and valves for each pump. A PLC control panel handles all lift station functions including starting and stopping on level, SCADA options, an autodialer for communications, and a soft starter for the large pump.

Gas Refinery Process Water

Exxon Mobil|Chalmette, LA|30,000 GPM - Various TDH

jweddell10,000gpm +, Central, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff

To address the industrial stormwater concerns of coastal Louisiana, this large, precast concrete pump station was designed to meet super-high flows of runoff at this Exxon refinery. Five vertical turbine pumps and three submersible pumps, capable of pumping 60,000 GPM, are spread across three large interconnected rectangular wet wells. This approach was much more affordable than a single poured in place sump, and the connection tubes make the functionality near identical. A robust steel baffle slows incoming stormwater at the inlet line to reduce turbulence and wear on the sump components.