Industrial Stormwater Pump Station

British Petroleum Refinery|Bellevue, WA|350 GPM - 30' TDH

jweddell300gpm - 500gpm, Industrial, Industrial Process Water featured, Oil & Gas, Oil/Water Separators, Pacific, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff

This package lift station handles the medium flows of stormwater and process water drainage at this oil refinery. A stormwater plan is required at most industrial facilities and BP proactively chose a reliable lift station to manage its environmental footprint. Duplex submersible centrifugal pumps and a below grade valve assembly comprise the major underground components of this system. An outdoor control panel utilizes float controls and an ultrasonic transducer for primary and backup liquid level-sensing.

Suncadia Resort

Suncadia Resort|Cle Elum, WA|800 GPM - 175' TDH

jweddell500gpm - 1,000gpm, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Resorts/ Golf Courses, Valve Vaults

A growing resort community with golf courses needed this Romtec Utilities package lift station to meet super high sewage flows with high head conditions. The resort has ample property for expansion and needed a wastewater lift station that would also expand. Two submersible solids handling pumps were included in the original supply, but the mounting hardware for a third pump in a triplex configuration was included to allow easy expansion as more condos are constructed. An outdoor control panel is protected by a shelter and utilizes a pressure transducer and backup floats for liquid level-sensing.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Municipal Utility District | Sacramento, CA | 172 GPM - 94' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Detention Pond Pumping, Detention Ponds, Flood Control, Inlet Outlet Structures, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Stormwater Runoff, Wastewater

The newly constructed headquarters for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District purchased this package lift station to meet its medium sewage flow requirements. Submersible solids-handling pumps in a duplex configuration were specified in a deep well because this facility represents one of the ten largest public utilities in the country.