The Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority needed a new lift station to handle medium flows of sewage from a residential neighborhood. This precast concrete wet well is a deep well for sewer, going nearly 30 feet below grade.
Taverner Ridge|Ridgefield, WA|330 GPM - 118' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed, engineered, and manufactured a package wastewater lift station for a new housing development in Ridgefield, Washington.
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority|Fremont, CA|62 GPM - 36' TDH
This stormwater pump station is part of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) stormwater reclamation system.
Port of Portland|Portland, OR|18,140 GPM - 10.62' TDH
The Portland International Airport (PDX) needed a very large pump station to discharge high volumes of stormwater to a runoff creek from one of its runways.
Manchester|Port Orchard, WA|195-265 GPM - 21'-37' TDH
Romtec Utilities provided 3 wastewater lift stations for Manchester Residential Area outside of Seattle, WA.