In Port Orchard, Washington, new residential developments have been ongoing around the McCormick Woods Golf Course. The most recent development required a new lift station to handle medium flows of sewage for 200 new homes.
Manorwood Homes|Bakersfield, CA|200 GPM - 27.5' TDH
A residential development that was put on hold during the recession of the housing market needed a lift station retrofit when the development was brought back to life.
Freestone at Bayside | Bremerton, WA | 160 GPM - 118' TDH
The City of Bremerton needed a new sewer lift station to handle medium flows of wastewater from a new residential development.
Snoqualmie Ridge|Snoqualmie, WA|115 GPM - 57.3' TDH
A new housing development in the City of Snoqualmie needed this wastewater lift station to handle low sewage flows and meet the City’s design standards.
Jessie Hollow | Vancouver, WA | 124 GPM - 35' TDH
Krippner Homes needed a new lift station to handle medium flows of sanitary sewer from a new residential development.