The Wilsonville High School auditorium expansion required a wastewater lift station for the West Linn-Wilsonville School District (WLWV) in Wilsonville, Oregon.
Lusted and Sam Barlow | Gresham, OR | 135 GPM - 69.4' TDH
Romtec Utilities completed two wastewater pump station for the Gresham-Barlow School District and Sam Barlow High School.
Rogue Community College | Grants Pass, OR | 4,000 GPM - 0' TDH
Romtec worked with Marquess & Associates to provide them with the best value from an engineering, construction, and overall cost of maintenance standpoint.
University of California | 720 GPM - 43.1' TDH
Adapting to the rising numbers of students seeking a higher education, UC Merced expanded their campus, and needed a wastewater lift station to accommodate new mixed-use residence halls.
Ontario Christian Highschool|Ontario, CA| 226 GPM - 23.8' TDH
In Ontario, California, the Ontario Christian High School was undergoing renovations. The General Contractor (GC) CCI was building a new, state of the art building that would be a dual student center and athletic facility. This new addition to the high school would provide a new gymnasium, weight and training rooms, softball fields, and new parking lots with bus loading areas and plentiful parking.