Marathon Petroleum

Marathon Petroleum|Robinson, IL|75 GPM - 125' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Central, Corrosive/ Caustic Pumping, Industrial, Oil & Gas, Wastewater

The Marathon Petroleum Refinery in Robinson, IL needed this new industrial process water pump station to handle its medium flows of highly acidic water combined with standard wastewater. A precast concrete sump included an interior Tnemec coating to withstand the water chemistry from a refinery testing lab. 11 hp Goulds grinder pumps were designed in a duplex configuration and included a factory epoxy coating to withstand the water chemistry. The pump station piping was designed with stainless steel components, and corrosion resistant floats were included as the liquid level sensing devices.

IBM Resiliency Services|Boulder, CO|270 GPM - 36' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Data Centers, Mountain, Replacements & Retrofits, Wastewater

The IBM Boulder Data Center needed to replace a wastewater lift station with a new system to handle medium flows of wastewater generated at the facility. A precast concrete sump includes a pedestrian rated hatch with a safety grate for reliable fall protection. Two, Ebara 5 hp pumps were included in the design for redundant pumping capabilities, and a prefabricated valve vault structure contains check valves and control valves. A UL listed control panel with phase monitoring was engineered in a NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure for installation outdoors.