The recent Washington Avenue Lift Station project in San Bernardino, California, began as a retrofit and ultimately ended as a full system replacement.
Trammell Crow Residential| San Diego, CA| 211 GPM - 23.6' TDH
Romtec Utilities supplied a wastewater lift station to service a new apartment building by Trammell Crow Residential in San Diego, California.
West Sound Utility District| Port Orchard, WA| 280 GPM - 145.2' TDH
Romtec Utilities worked with two different developers and the West Sound Utility District for the supply of a wastewater lift station.
Norpoint Communities | Silverdale, CA | 146 GPM - 46.4' TDH
Romtec Utilities supplied a wastewater pump station to serve a residential/townhome development by Norpoint Communities in Kitsap County, Washington.
Culbertson Power Plant|Culbertson, CA|100 GPM - 25' TDH
This power generation facility installed a package lift station designed for medium sewage flows of industrial wastewater. To protect the submersible solids-handling pumps, an inlet line deflector panel was included in the design. The wet well was protected from off-gassing and corrosion by an interlocking fiberglass lining. Conductive probes are used for primary and backup liquid level-sensing with an outdoor UL listed control panel. The panel is outfitted with a basic alarm and an autodialer for telecommunications.